Returns the serial number of the date before or after a specified number of workdays with custom weekend parameters.
Name | Type | Description |
arg1 | any | Is a serial date number that represents the start date. |
arg2 | any | Is the number of nonweekend and non-holiday days before or after start_date. |
arg3 | number | Is a number or string specifying when weekends occur. |
arg4 | any | Is an optional array of one or more serial date numbers to exclude from the working calendar, such as state and federal holidays and floating holidays. |
builder.CreateFile("xlsx"); const oWorksheet = Api.GetActiveSheet(); var oFunction = Api.GetWorksheetFunction(); var ans = oFunction.WORKDAY_INTL("9/8/2017", "-20", "0000011", "8/15/2017"); oWorksheet.GetRange("C1").SetValue(ans); builder.SaveFile("xlsx", "WORKDAY.INTL.xlsx"); builder.CloseFile();