Represents the ApiPresentation class.
Method | Returns | Description |
AddMaster | boolean | Adds the slide master to the presentation slide masters collection. |
AddSlide | None | Appends a new slide to the end of the presentation. |
ApplyTheme | boolean | Applies a theme to all the slides in the presentation. |
CreateNewHistoryPoint | None | Creates a new history point. |
GetAllComments | ApiComment[] | Returns all comments from the current presentation. |
GetAllSlideMasters | ApiMaster[] | Returns an array of all slide masters from the current presentation. |
GetAllSlides | ApiSlide[] | Returns an array of all slides from the current presentation. |
GetClassType | "presentation" | Returns a type of the ApiPresentation class. |
GetCurSlideIndex | number | Returns the index for the current slide. |
GetCurrentSlide | ApiSlide | Returns the current slide. |
GetDocumentInfo | object | Returns the document information:\ -Application - the application the document has been created with.\ -CreatedRaw - the date and time when the file was created.\ -Created - the parsed date and time when the file was created.\ -LastModifiedRaw - the date and time when the file was last modified.\ -LastModified - the parsed date and time when the file was last modified.\ -LastModifiedBy - the name of the user who has made the latest change to the document.\ -Autrors - the persons who has created the file.\ -Title - this property allows you to simplify your documents classification.\ -Tags - this property allows you to simplify your documents classification.\ -Subject - this property allows you to simplify your documents classification.\ -Comment - this property allows you to simplify your documents classification. |
GetHeight | EMU | Returns the presentation height in English measure units. |
GetMaster | ApiMaster | null | Returns a slide master by its position in the presentation. |
GetMastersCount | number | Returns a number of slide masters. |
GetSlideByIndex | ApiSlide | Returns a slide by its position in the presentation. |
GetSlidesCount | number | Returns a number of slides. |
GetWidth | EMU | Returns the presentation width in English measure units. |
RemoveSlides | boolean | Removes a range of slides from the presentation.\ Deletes all the slides from the presentation if no parameters are specified. |
ReplaceCurrentImage | None | Replaces the current image with an image specified. |
SetLanguage | boolean | Specifies the languages which will be used to check spelling and grammar (if requested). |
SetSizes | None | Sets the size to the current presentation. |
SlidesToJSON | JSON[] | Converts the slides from the current ApiPresentation object into the JSON objects. |
ToJSON | JSON | Converts the ApiPresentation object into the JSON object. |