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Represents the ApiPresentation class.


AddMasterbooleanAdds the slide master to the presentation slide masters collection.
AddSlideNoneAppends a new slide to the end of the presentation.
ApplyThemebooleanApplies a theme to all the slides in the presentation.
CreateNewHistoryPointNoneCreates a new history point.
GetAllCommentsApiComment[]Returns all comments from the current presentation.
GetAllSlideMastersApiMaster[]Returns an array of all slide masters from the current presentation.
GetAllSlidesApiSlide[]Returns an array of all slides from the current presentation.
GetClassType"presentation"Returns a type of the ApiPresentation class.
GetCurSlideIndexnumberReturns the index for the current slide.
GetCurrentSlideApiSlideReturns the current slide.
GetDocumentInfoobjectReturns the document information:\ -Application - the application the document has been created with.\ -CreatedRaw - the date and time when the file was created.\ -Created - the parsed date and time when the file was created.\ -LastModifiedRaw - the date and time when the file was last modified.\ -LastModified - the parsed date and time when the file was last modified.\ -LastModifiedBy - the name of the user who has made the latest change to the document.\ -Autrors - the persons who has created the file.\ -Title - this property allows you to simplify your documents classification.\ -Tags - this property allows you to simplify your documents classification.\ -Subject - this property allows you to simplify your documents classification.\ -Comment - this property allows you to simplify your documents classification.
GetHeightEMUReturns the presentation height in English measure units.
GetMasterApiMaster | nullReturns a slide master by its position in the presentation.
GetMastersCountnumberReturns a number of slide masters.
GetSlideByIndexApiSlideReturns a slide by its position in the presentation.
GetSlidesCountnumberReturns a number of slides.
GetWidthEMUReturns the presentation width in English measure units.
RemoveSlidesbooleanRemoves a range of slides from the presentation.\ Deletes all the slides from the presentation if no parameters are specified.
ReplaceCurrentImageNoneReplaces the current image with an image specified.
SetLanguagebooleanSpecifies the languages which will be used to check spelling and grammar (if requested).
SetSizesNoneSets the size to the current presentation.
SlidesToJSONJSON[]Converts the slides from the current ApiPresentation object into the JSON objects.
ToJSONJSONConverts the ApiPresentation object into the JSON object.