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Represents the ApiPivotTable class.


ColumnFieldsApiPivotField[]Returns an array that is currently displayed as column fields in the pivot table.
ColumnGrandbooleanReturns or sets the -Grand Totals setting for the pivot table columns.
ColumnRangeApiRange | nullReturns a Range object that represents the column area in the pivot table report.
DataBodyRangeApiRangeReturns a Range object that represents the range of values in the pivot table.
DataFieldsApiPivotField[]Returns an array that is currently displayed as data fields in the pivot table.
DescriptionstringReturns or sets the pivot table description.
DisplayFieldCaptionsbooleanReturns or sets the setting which specifies whether to display field headers for rows and columns.
GrandTotalNamestringReturns or sets the text string label that is displayed in the grand total column or row heading in the specified pivot table report.
HiddenFieldsApiPivotField[]Returns an array that represents all hidden fields in the pivot table.
LayoutBlankLinebooleanSets the setting which specifies whether to insert blank rows after each item in the pivot table.
LayoutSubtotalsbooleanSets the setting which specifies whether to show subtotals in the pivot table.
NamestringReturns or sets a name of the pivot table.
PageFieldsApiPivotField[]Returns an array that is currently displayed as page fields in the pivot table.
ParentApiWorksheetReturns the parent object for the current pivot table.
PivotFieldsApiPivotField[]Returns all pivot fields in the pivot table.
RepeatAllLabelsbooleanSpecifies whether to repeat item labels for all pivot fields in the specified pivot table.
RowAxisLayoutobjectSets the way the specified pivot table items appear — in table format or in outline format.
RowFieldsApiPivotField[]Returns an array that is currently displayed as row fields in the pivot table.
RowGrandbooleanReturns or sets the -Grand Totals setting for the pivot table rows.
RowRangeApiRange | nullReturns a Range object that represents the row area in the pivot table report.
ShowTableStyleColumnHeadersbooleanReturns or sets the setting which specifies whether the column headers of the pivot table will be highlighted with the special formatting.
ShowTableStyleColumnStripesbooleanReturns or sets the setting which specifies whether the background color alternation for odd and even columns will be enabled for the pivot table.
ShowTableStyleRowHeadersbooleanReturns or sets the setting which specifies whether the row headers of the pivot table will be highlighted with the special formatting.
ShowTableStyleRowStripesbooleanReturns or sets the setting which specifies whether the background color alternation for odd and even rows will be enabled for the pivot table.
SourceApiRangeReturns or sets the source range for the pivot table.
StyleNamestringReturns or sets the pivot table style name.
SubtotalLocationnumberSets the layout subtotal location.
TableRange1ApiRange | nullReturns a Range object that represents the entire pivot table report, but doesn't include page fields.
TableRange2ApiRange | nullReturns a Range object that represents the entire pivot table report, including page fields.
TitlestringReturns or sets the pivot table title.
VisibleFieldsApiPivotField[]Returns an array that represents all visible fields in the pivot table.


AddDataFieldApiPivotDataFieldAdds a data field to the pivot table report.
AddFieldsNoneAdds the row, column, and page fields to the pivot table report.
ClearAllFiltersNoneDeletes all filters currently applied to the pivot table.
ClearTableNoneClears the pivot table.
GetColumnFieldsApiPivotField[]Returns a collection that is currently displayed as column fields in the pivot table.
GetColumnGrandbooleanReturns the -Grand Totals setting of the pivot table columns.
GetColumnRangeApiRange | nullReturns a Range object that represents the column area in the pivot table report.
GetDatanumber | nullReturns the value for the data field in a pivot table.
GetDataBodyRangeApiRangeReturns a Range object that represents the range of values in the pivot table.
GetDataFieldsApiPivotDataField[] | ApiPivotDataField | nullReturns a collection that represents either a single pivot table data field\ or a collection of all visible data fields.
GetDescriptionstringReturns the pivot table description.
GetDisplayFieldCaptionsbooleanReturns the setting which specifies whether to display field headers for rows and columns.
GetDisplayFieldsInReportFilterAreaPivotTableFilterAreaInfoReturns the pivot table display fields in the report filter area settings.
GetGrandTotalNamestringReturns the text string label that is displayed in the grand total column or row heading in the specified pivot table report.
GetHiddenFieldsApiPivotField[]Returns an array that represents all the hidden fields in the pivot table.
GetNamestringReturns the pivot table name.
GetPageFieldsApiPivotField[]Returns a collection that represents either a single pivot table page field\ or a collection of all visible page fields.
GetParentApiWorksheetReturns the parent object for the current pivot table.
GetPivotDataApiRangeReturns a Range object with information about a data item in the pivot table report.
GetPivotFieldsApiPivotField[] | ApiPivotField | ApiPivotDataField | nullReturns a collection that represents either a single pivot table field\ or a collection of both the visible and hidden fields in the pivot table report.
GetRowFieldsApiPivotField[]Returns a collection that is currently displayed as row fields in the pivot table.
GetRowGrandbooleanReturns the -Grand Totals setting of the pivot table rows.
GetRowRangeApiRange | nullReturns a Range object that represents the row area in the pivot table report.
GetSourceApiRangeReturns the source range for the pivot table.
GetStyleNamestringReturns the pivot table style name.
GetTableRange1ApiRange | nullReturns a Range object that represents the entire pivot table report, but doesn't include page fields.
GetTableRange2ApiRange | nullReturns a Range object that represents the entire pivot table report, including page fields.
GetTableStyleColumnHeadersbooleanReturns the setting which specifies whether the column headers of the pivot table will be highlighted with the special formatting.
GetTableStyleColumnStripesbooleanReturns the setting which specifies whether the background color alternation for odd and even columns will be enabled for the pivot table.
GetTableStyleRowHeadersbooleanReturns the setting which specifies whether the row headers of the pivot table will be highlighted with the special formatting.
GetTableStyleRowStripesbooleanReturns the setting which specifies whether the background color alternation for odd and even rows will be enabled for the pivot table.
GetTitlestringReturns the pivot table title.
GetVisibleFieldsApiPivotField[]Returns an array that represents all the visible fields in the pivot table.
MoveFieldNoneMoves the specified field from one category to another.
PivotValueCellnumber | string | nullReturns the value of a pivot table cell.
RefreshTableNoneRefreshes the pivot table report from the source data.
RemoveFieldNoneRemoves the specified field from all the pivot table categories.
SelectNoneSelects the current pivot table.
SetColumnGrandNoneSets the -Grand Totals setting to the pivot table columns.
SetDescriptionNoneSets the pivot table description.
SetDisplayFieldCaptionsNoneReturns the setting which specifies whether to display field headers for rows and columns.
SetDisplayFieldsInReportFilterAreaNoneSets the pivot table display fields in the report filter area settings.
SetGrandTotalNameNoneSets the text string label that is displayed in the grand total column or row heading in the specified pivot table report.
SetLayoutBlankLineNoneSets the setting which specifies whether to insert blank rows after each item.
SetLayoutSubtotalsNoneSets the setting which specifies whether to show subtotals.
SetNameNoneSets the pivot table name.
SetRepeatAllLabelsNoneSpecifies whether to repeat item labels for all pivot fields in the specified pivot table.
SetRowAxisLayoutNoneSets the way the specified pivot table items appear — in table format or in outline format.
SetRowGrandNoneSets the -Grand Totals setting to the pivot table rows.
SetSourceNoneSets the source range for the pivot table.
SetStyleNameNoneSets the pivot table style name.
SetSubtotalLocationNoneSets the layout subtotal location in the pivot table.
SetTableStyleColumnHeadersNoneSets the setting which specifies whether the column headers of the pivot table will be highlighted with the special formatting.
SetTableStyleColumnStripesNoneSets the setting which specifies whether the background color alternation for odd and even columns will be enabled for the pivot table.
SetTableStyleRowHeadersNoneSets the setting which specifies whether the row headers of the pivot table will be highlighted with the special formatting.
SetTableStyleRowStripesNoneSets the setting which specifies whether the background color alternation for odd and even rows will be enabled for the pivot table.
SetTitleNoneSets the pivot table title.
ShowDetailsbooleanShows details of the pivot table cell.
UpdateNoneUpdates the current pivot table.