

Sets the paragraph line spacing. If the value of the sLineRule parameter is either
"atLeast" or "exact", then the value of nLine will be interpreted as twentieths of a point. If
the value of the sLineRule parameter is "auto", then the value of the
nLine parameter will be interpreted as 240ths of a line.


expression.SetSpacingLine(nLine, sLineRule);

expression - A variable that represents a ApiParagraph class.


NameRequired/OptionalData typeDefaultDescription
nLineRequiredtwips | line240The line spacing value measured either in twentieths of a point (1/1440 of an inch) or in 240ths of a line.
sLineRuleRequired"auto" | "atLeast" | "exact"The rule that determines the measuring units of the line spacing.


This method doesn't return any data.


This example sets the paragraph line spacing.

var oPresentation = Api.GetPresentation();
var oSlide = oPresentation.GetSlideByIndex(0);
var oGs1 = Api.CreateGradientStop(Api.CreateRGBColor(255, 213, 191), 0);
var oGs2 = Api.CreateGradientStop(Api.CreateRGBColor(255, 111, 61), 100000);
var oFill = Api.CreateRadialGradientFill([oGs1, oGs2]);
var oStroke = Api.CreateStroke(0, Api.CreateNoFill());
var oShape = Api.CreateShape("flowChartMagneticTape", 300 * 36000, 130 * 36000, oFill, oStroke);
oShape.SetPosition(608400, 1267200);
var oDocContent = oShape.GetDocContent();
var oParagraph = oDocContent.GetElement(0);
var oParaPr = oParagraph.GetParaPr();
oParaPr.SetSpacingLine(3 * 240, "auto");
oParagraph.AddText("Paragraph 1. Spacing: 3 times of a common paragraph line spacing.");
oParagraph.AddText("These sentences are used to add lines for demonstrative purposes. ");
oParagraph.AddText("These sentences are used to add lines for demonstrative purposes. ");
oParagraph.AddText("These sentences are used to add lines for demonstrative purposes. ");