Subtotal pivot field types (functions for subtotals).
Name | Type | Description |
Average | boolean | Specififes whether the AVERAGE function will be used. |
Count | boolean | Specififes whether the COUNTA function will be used. |
CountNumbers | boolean | Specififes whether the COUNT function will be used. |
Max | boolean | Specififes whether the MAX function will be used. |
Min | boolean | Specififes whether the MIN function will be used. |
Product | boolean | Specififes whether the PRODUCT function will be used. |
StdDev | boolean | Specififes whether the STDEV function will be used. |
StdDevP | boolean | Specififes whether the STDEV.P function will be used. |
Sum | boolean | Specififes whether the SUM function will be used. |
Var | boolean | Specififes whether the VAR function will be used. |
VarP | boolean | Specififes whether the VAR.P function will be used. |