Converts the slides from the current ApiPresentation object into the JSON objects.
expression.SlidesToJSON(nStart, nStart, bWriteLayout, bWriteMaster, bWriteAllMasLayouts, bWriteTableStyles);
- A variable that represents a ApiPresentation class.
Name | Required/Optional | Data type | Default | Description |
nStart | Optional | boolean | 0 | The index to the start slide. |
nStart | Optional | boolean | ApiPresentation.GetSlidesCount() - 1 | The index to the end slide. |
bWriteLayout | Optional | boolean | false | Specifies if the slide layout will be written to the JSON object or not. |
bWriteMaster | Optional | boolean | false | Specifies if the slide master will be written to the JSON object or not (bWriteMaster is false if bWriteLayout === false). |
bWriteAllMasLayouts | Optional | boolean | false | Specifies if all child layouts from the slide master will be written to the JSON object or not. |
bWriteTableStyles | Optional | boolean | false | Specifies whether to write used table styles to the JSON object (true) or not (false). |
This example shows how to convert the slides from the current ApiPresentation object into the JSON objects.
- Code
- Result
var oPresentation = Api.GetPresentation();
var oSlide = oPresentation.GetSlideByIndex(0);
var json = oPresentation.SlidesToJSON(0, 0, true, true, true, true);
var aSlidesFromJSON = Api.FromJSON(json);
var oSlideFromJSON = aSlidesFromJSON[0];
var sType = oSlideFromJSON.GetClassType();
var oFill = Api.CreateSolidFill(Api.CreateRGBColor(255, 111, 61));
var oStroke = Api.CreateStroke(0, Api.CreateNoFill());
var oDrawing = Api.CreateShape("flowChartMagneticTape", 300 * 36000, 130 * 36000, oFill, oStroke);
oDrawing.SetPosition(608400, 1267200);
oDrawing.SetSize(300 * 36000, 130 * 36000);
var oDocContent = oDrawing.GetDocContent();
var oParagraph = oDocContent.GetElement(0);
oParagraph.AddText("Class type = " + sType);