class ApiWorksheet
Class representing a sheet.
Instance Methods
- GetVisible
(): boolean
Returns the state of sheet visibility.
- SetVisible
Sets the state of sheet visibility.
- SetActive
Makes the current sheet active.
- GetActiveCell
(): ApiRange
Returns an object that represents an active cell.
- GetSelection
(): ApiRange
Returns an object that represents the selected range.
- GetCells
(row, col): ApiRange | "null"
Returns the ApiRange that represents all the cells on the worksheet (not just the cells that are currently in use).
- GetRows
(value): ApiRange | "null"
Returns the ApiRange object that represents all the cells on the rows range.
- GetCols
(sRange): ApiRange
Returns the ApiRange object that represents all the cells on the columns range.
- GetUsedRange
(): ApiRange
Returns the ApiRange object that represents the used range on the specified worksheet.
- GetName
(): string
Returns a sheet name.
- SetName
Sets a name to the current active sheet.
- GetIndex
(): number
Returns a sheet index.
- GetRange
(Range1, Range2): ApiRange | "null"
- GetRangeByNumber
(nRow, nCol): ApiRange
Returns an object that represents the selected range of the current sheet using the row/column coordinates for the cell selection.
- FormatAsTable
- SetColumnWidth
(nColumn, nWidth, bWithotPaddings)
- SetRowHeight
(nRow, nHeight)
- SetDisplayGridlines
Specifies whether the current sheet gridlines must be displayed or not.
- SetDisplayHeadings
Specifies whether the current sheet row/column headers must be displayed or not.
- SetLeftMargin
Sets the left margin of the sheet.
- GetLeftMargin
(): number
Returns the left margin of the sheet.
- SetRightMargin
Sets the right margin of the sheet.
- GetRightMargin
(): number
Returns the right margin of the sheet.
- SetTopMargin
Sets the top margin of the sheet.
- GetTopMargin
(): number
Returns the top margin of the sheet.
- SetBottomMargin
Sets the bottom margin of the sheet.
- GetBottomMargin
(): number
Returns the bottom margin of the sheet.
- SetPageOrientation
Sets the page orientation.
- GetPageOrientation
(): PageOrientation
Returns the page orientation.
- GetPrintHeadings
(): boolean
Returns the page PrintHeadings property which specifies whether the current sheet row/column headings must be printed or not.
- SetPrintHeadings
Specifies whether the current sheet row/column headers must be printed or not.
- GetPrintGridlines
(): boolean
Returns the page PrintGridlines property which specifies whether the current sheet gridlines must be printed or not.
- SetPrintGridlines
Specifies whether the current sheet gridlines must be printed or not.
- GetDefNames
(): ApiName[]
Returns an array of ApiName objects.
- GetDefName
(defName): ApiName | "null"
Returns the ApiName object by the worksheet name.
- AddDefName
(sName, sRef, isHidden): boolean
Adds a new name to the current worksheet.
- GetComments
(): ApiComment[]
Returns all comments from the current worksheet.
- Delete
Deletes the current worksheet.
- SetHyperlink
(sRange, sAddress, subAddress, sScreenTip, sTextToDisplay)
Adds a hyperlink to the specified range.
- AddChart
(sDataRange, bInRows, sType, nStyleIndex, nExtX, nExtY, nFromCol, nColOffset, nFromRow, nRowOffset): ApiChart
- AddShape
(sType, nWidth, nHeight, oFill, oStroke, nFromCol, nColOffset, nFromRow, nRowOffset): ApiShape
- AddImage
(sImageSrc, nWidth, nHeight, nFromCol, nColOffset, nFromRow, nRowOffset): ApiImage
Adds an image to the current sheet with the parameters specified.
- AddWordArt
(oTextPr, sText, sTransform, oFill, oStroke, nRotAngle, nWidth, nHeight, nFromCol, nFromRow, nColOffset, nRowOffset): ApiDrawing
Adds a Text Art object to the current sheet with the parameters specified.
- AddOleObject
(sImageSrc, nWidth, nHeight, sData, sAppId, nFromCol, nColOffset, nFromRow, nRowOffset): ApiOleObject
Adds an OLE object to the current sheet with the parameters specified.
- ReplaceCurrentImage
(sImageUrl, nWidth, nHeight)
Replaces the current image with a new one.
- GetAllDrawings
(): ApiDrawing[]
Returns all drawings from the current sheet.
- GetAllImages
(): ApiImage[]
Returns all images from the current sheet.
- GetAllShapes
(): ApiShape[]
Returns all shapes from the current sheet.
- GetAllCharts
(): ApiChart[]
Returns all charts from the current sheet.
- GetAllOleObjects
(): ApiOleObject[]
Returns all OLE objects from the current sheet.
- Move
(before, after)
Moves the current sheet to another location in the workbook.
- GetPivotByName
(name): ApiPivotTable | "null"
Return PivotTable by name.
- GetAllPivotTables
(): ApiPivotTable[]
Returns all PivotTables on worksheet.
- RefreshAllPivots
Refresh all PivotTables on current worksheet.
- GetFreezePanes
(): ApiFreezePanes
Returns the freeze panes from the current worksheet.
- AddProtectedRange
(sTitle, sDataRange): ApiProtectedRange | "null"
Creates a protected range of the specified type from the selected data range of the current sheet.
- GetProtectedRange
(sTitle): ApiProtectedRange | "null"
Returns a protected range object by its title.
- GetAllProtectedRanges
(): ApiProtectedRange[] | "null"
Returns all protected ranges from the current worksheet.
- Paste
Pastes the contents of the clipboard to the current sheet.
Instance Properties
- Visible
Returns or sets the state of sheet visibility.
- Active
Makes the current sheet active.
- ActiveCell
Returns an object that represents an active cell.
- Selection
Returns an object that represents the selected range.
- Cells
Returns ApiRange that represents all the cells on the worksheet (not just the cells that are currently in use).
- Rows
Returns ApiRange that represents all the cells of the rows range.
- Cols
Returns ApiRange that represents all the cells of the columns range.
- UsedRange
Returns ApiRange that represents the used range on the specified worksheet.
- Name
Returns or sets a name of the active sheet.
- Index
Returns a sheet index.
- LeftMargin
Returns or sets the size of the sheet left margin measured in points.
- RightMargin
Returns or sets the size of the sheet right margin measured in points.
- TopMargin
Returns or sets the size of the sheet top margin measured in points.
- BottomMargin
Returns or sets the size of the sheet bottom margin measured in points.
- PageOrientation
Returns or sets the page orientation.
- PrintHeadings
Returns or sets the page PrintHeadings property.
- PrintGridlines
Returns or sets the page PrintGridlines property.
- Defnames
Returns an array of the ApiName objects.
- Comments
Returns all comments from the current worksheet.
- FreezePanes
Returns the freeze panes for the current worksheet.
- AllProtectedRanges
Returns all protected ranges from the current worksheet.
- PivotTables
Returns all PivotTables on worksheet.