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Represents the ApiPivotDataField class.


CaptionstringReturns or sets a value that represents the label text for the data field.
FunctionDataConsolidateFunctionTypeReturns or sets a function for the data field.
IndexnumberReturns an index of the data field.
NamestringReturns or sets a value representing the object name.
NumberFormatstring | nullReturns or sets a value that represents the format code for the object.
OrientationPivotFieldOrientationTypeReturns a data field orientation value\ that represents the data field location in the specified pivot table report.
PivotFieldApiPivotFieldReturns the pivot field from which the data field was created.
PositionnumberReturns or sets a value that represents the data field position within a category.
ValuestringReturns or sets a value representing the name of the specified data field in the pivot table report.


ClearAllFiltersNoneDeletes all filters currently applied to the pivot field.
ClearLabelFiltersNoneDeletes all label filters or all date filters from the pivot filters collection.
ClearManualFiltersNoneDeletes all manual filters from the pivot filters collection.
ClearValueFiltersNoneDeletes all value filters from the pivot filters collection.
GetCaptionstringReturns a value that represents the label text for the data field.
GetCaptionstringReturns a value that represents the label text for the pivot field.
GetCurrentPagestring | numberReturns the current page which is displayed for the page field (valid only for page fields).
GetDragToColumnbooleanReturns the setting which specifies whether the specified field can be dragged to the column position.
GetDragToDatabooleanReturns the setting which specifies whether the specified field can be dragged to the data position.
GetDragToPagebooleanReturns the setting which specifies whether the specified field can be dragged to the page position.
GetDragToRowbooleanReturns the setting which specifies whether the specified field can be dragged to the row position.
GetFunctionDataConsolidateFunctionTypeReturns a function performed in the data field.
GetIndexnumberReturns an index of the data field.
GetIndexnumberReturns an index for the pivot table field.
GetLayoutBlankLinebooleanReturns the setting which specifies whether to insert blank rows after each item.
GetLayoutCompactRowbooleanReturns the setting which specifies whether a pivot table field is compacted.
GetLayoutFormPivotLayoutTypeReturns the way the specified pivot table items appear — in table format or in outline format.
GetLayoutPageBreakbooleanReturns the setting which specifies whether to insert a page break after each field.
GetLayoutSubtotalLocationLayoutSubtotalLocationTypeReturns the layout subtotal location.
GetLayoutSubtotalsbooleanReturns the setting which specifies whether to show subtotals.
GetNamestringReturns a value representing the object name.
GetNamestringReturns a value representing the object name.
GetNumberFormatstring | nullReturns a value that represents the format code for the object.
GetOrientationPivotFieldOrientationTypeReturns a data field orientation value that represents the data field location in the specified pivot table report.
GetOrientationPivotFieldOrientationTypeReturns a pivot field orientation value that represents the location\ of the field in the specified pivot table report.
GetParentApiPivotTableReturns the parent object for the current field.
GetPivotFieldApiPivotFieldReturns the pivot field from which the data field was created.
GetPivotItemsApiPivotItem[] | ApiPivotItem | nullReturns an object that represents either a single pivot table item (the ApiPivotItem object)\ or a collection of all the visible and hidden items (an array of the ApiPivotItem objects) in the specified field.
GetPositionnumberReturns a value that represents the data field position within a category.
GetPositionnumberReturns a value that represents the position of the field (first, second, third, and so on)\ among all the fields in its orientation (Rows, Columns, Pages, Data).
GetRepeatLabelsbooleanReturns the setting which specifies whether to repeat items labels at each row.
GetShowAllItemsbooleanReturns the setting which specifies whether to show items with no data.
GetShowingInAxisbooleanReturns the setting which specifies whether the pivot table field is currently visible in the pivot table.
GetSourceNamestringReturns a source name for the pivot table field.
GetSubtotalNamestringReturns the text label displayed in the subtotal column or row heading in the specified pivot table report.
GetSubtotalsPivotFieldSubtotalsReturns an object that represents all subtotals.
GetTableApiPivotTableReturns the ApiPivotTable object which represents the pivot table for the current field.
GetValuestringReturns a value representing the name of the specified data field in the pivot table report.
GetValuestringReturns a value representing the name of the specified field in the pivot table report.
MoveNoneMoves the current data field inside the category.
MoveNoneMoves the current pivot field inside the category.
RemoveNoneRemoves the current data field from the category.
RemoveNoneRemoves the current pivot field from the pivot table.
SetCaptionNoneSets a value that represents the label text for the data field.
SetCaptionNoneSets a value that represents the label text for the pivot field.
SetDragToColumnNoneSets the setting which specifies whether the specified field can be dragged to the column position.
SetDragToDataNoneSets the setting which specifies whether the specified field can be dragged to the data position.
SetDragToPageNoneSets the setting which specifies whether the specified field can be dragged to the page position.
SetDragToRowNoneSets the setting which specifies whether the specified field can be dragged to the row position.
SetFunctionNoneSets a function to the current data field.
SetLayoutBlankLineNoneSets the setting which specifies whether to insert blank rows after each item.
SetLayoutCompactRowNoneSets the setting which specifies whether a pivot table field is compacted.
SetLayoutFormNoneSets the way the specified pivot table items appear — in table format or in outline format.
SetLayoutPageBreakNoneSets the setting which specifies whether to insert a page break after each field.
SetLayoutSubtotalLocationNoneSets the layout subtotal location.
SetLayoutSubtotalsNoneSets the setting which specifies whether to show subtotals.
SetNameNoneSets a value representing the object name.
SetNameNoneSets a value representing the object name.
SetNumberFormatNoneSets a value that represents the format code for the object.
SetOrientationNoneSets a pivot field orientation value that represents the location\ of the field in the specified pivot table report.
SetPositionNoneSets a value that represents the data field position within a category.
SetPositionNoneSets a value that represents the position of the field (first, second, third, and so on)\ among all the fields in its orientation (Rows, Columns, Pages, Data).
SetRepeatLabelsNoneSets the setting which specifies whether to repeat items labels at each row.
SetShowAllItemsNoneSets the setting which specifies whether to show items with no data.
SetSubtotalNameNoneSets the text label displayed in the subtotal column or row heading in the specified pivot table report.
SetSubtotalsNoneSets an object that represents all subtotals.
SetValueNoneSets a value representing the name of the specified data field in the pivot table report.
SetValueNoneSets a value representing the name of the specified field in the pivot table report.