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Represents the ApiFont class.


Boldboolean | nullThe font bold property.
ColorApiColor | nullThe font color property.
Italicboolean | nullThe font italic property.
Namestring | nullThe font name.
ParentApiCharactersThe parent object of the specified font object.
Sizenumber | nullThe font size property.
Strikethroughboolean | nullThe font strikethrough property.
Subscriptboolean | nullThe font subscript property.
Superscriptboolean | nullThe font superscript property.
Underlinestring | nullThe font type of underline.


GetBoldboolean | nullReturns the bold property of the specified font.
GetColorApiColor | nullReturns the font color property of the specified font.
GetItalicboolean | nullReturns the italic property of the specified font.
GetNamestring | nullReturns the font name property of the specified font.
GetParentApiCharactersReturns the parent ApiCharacters object of the specified font.
GetSizenumber | nullReturns the font size property of the specified font.
GetStrikethroughboolean | nullReturns the strikethrough property of the specified font.
GetSubscriptboolean | nullReturns the subscript property of the specified font.
GetSuperscriptboolean | nullReturns the superscript property of the specified font.
GetUnderlineXlUnderlineStyle | nullReturns the type of underline applied to the specified font.
SetBoldNoneSets the bold property to the specified font.\ 💡 This method will work only with the text format of the cell.
SetColorNoneSets the font color property to the specified font.\ 💡 This method will work only with the text format of the cell.
SetItalicNoneSets the italic property to the specified font.\ 💡 This method will work only with the text format of the cell.
SetNameNoneSets the font name property to the specified font.\ 💡 This method will work only with the text format of the cell.
SetSizeNoneSets the font size property to the specified font.\ 💡 This method will work only with the text format of the cell.
SetStrikethroughNoneSets the strikethrough property to the specified font.\ 💡 This method will work only with the text format of the cell.
SetSubscriptNoneSets the subscript property to the specified font.\ 💡 This method will work only with the text format of the cell.
SetSuperscriptNoneSets the superscript property to the specified font.\ 💡 This method will work only with the text format of the cell.
SetUnderlineNoneSets an underline of the type specified in the request to the current font.\ 💡 This method will work only with the text format of the cell.