

Represents the ApiDateForm class.


ClearNoneClears the current form.
CopyApiFormCopies the current form (copies with the shape if it exists).
GetClassType"form"Returns a type of the ApiFormBase class.
GetFormKeystringReturns the current form key.
GetFormTypeFormTypeReturns a type of the current form.
GetFormatstringGets the date format of the current form.
GetLanguagestringGets the used date language of the current form.
GetTextstringReturns the text from the current form.\ Returns the value as a string if possible for the given form type*
GetTextPrApiTextPrReturns the text properties from the current form.\ Used if possible for this type of form*
GetTimenumberReturns the timestamp of the current form.
GetTipTextstringReturns the tip text of the current form.
GetWrapperShapeApiShapeReturns a shape in which the form is placed to control the position and size of the fixed size form frame.\ The null value will be returned for the inline forms.
IsFixedbooleanChecks if the current form is fixed size.
IsRequiredbooleanChecks if the current form is required.
MoveCursorOutsideNonePlaces a cursor before/after the current form.
SetBackgroundColorbooleanSets the background color to the current form.
SetBorderColorbooleanSets the border color to the current form.
SetFormKeybooleanSets a key to the current form.
SetFormatbooleanSets the date format to the current form.
SetLanguagebooleanSets the date language to the current form.
SetPlaceholderTextbooleanSets the placeholder text to the current form.\ Can't be set to checkbox or radio button.*
SetRequiredbooleanSpecifies if the current form should be required.
SetTextPrbooleanSets the text properties to the current form.\ Used if possible for this type of form*
SetTimebooleanSets the timestamp to the current form.
SetTipTextbooleanSets the tip text to the current form.
ToFixedbooleanConverts the current form to a fixed size form.
ToInlinebooleanConverts the current form to an inline form.\ Picture form can't be converted to an inline form, it's always a fixed size object.*