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Represents the ApiLayout class.


AddObjectbooleanAdds an object (image, shape or chart) to the current slide layout.
ClearBackgroundbooleanClears the slide layout background.
CopyApiLayout | nullCreates a copy of the specified slide layout object.\ Copies without master slide.
DeletebooleanDeletes the specified object from the parent slide master if it exists.
DuplicateApiLayout | nullCreates a duplicate of the specified slide layout object, adds the new slide layout to the slide layout collection.
FollowMasterBackgroundbooleanSets the master background as the background of the layout.
GetAllChartsApiChart[]Returns an array with all the chart objects from the slide layout.
GetAllDrawingsDrawing[]Returns an array with all the drawing objects from the slide layout.
GetAllImagesApiImage[]Returns an array with all the image objects from the slide layout.
GetAllOleObjectsApiOleObject[]Returns an array with all the OLE objects from the slide layout.
GetAllShapesApiShape[]Returns an array with all the shape objects from the slide layout.
GetClassType"layout"Returns the type of the ApiLayout class.
GetDrawingsByPlaceholderTypeDrawing[]Returns an array of drawings by the specified placeholder type.
GetMasterApiMasterReturns the parent slide master of the current layout.
GetNamestringReturns a name of the current layout.
GroupDrawingsApiGroupGroups an array of drawings in the current layout.
MoveTobooleanMoves the specified layout to a specific location within the same collection.
RemoveObjectbooleanRemoves objects (image, shape or chart) from the current slide layout.
SetBackgroundbooleanSets the background to the current slide layout.
SetNamebooleanSets a name to the current layout.
ToJSONJSONConverts the ApiLayout object into the JSON object.