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Represents the ApiCommentReply class.


AuthorNamestringReturns or sets the comment reply author's name.
TextstringReturns or sets the comment reply text.
Timenumber | stringReturns or sets the timestamp of the comment reply creation in the current time zone format.
TimeUTCnumber | stringReturns or sets the timestamp of the comment reply creation in UTC format.
UserIdstringReturns or sets the user ID of the comment reply author.


GetAuthorNamestringReturns the comment reply author's name.
GetClassType"commentReply"Returns a type of the ApiCommentReply class.
GetTextstringReturns the comment reply text.
GetTimeNumberReturns the timestamp of the comment reply creation in the current time zone format.
GetTimeUTCNumberReturns the timestamp of the comment reply creation in UTC format.
GetUserIdstringReturns the user ID of the comment reply author.
SetAuthorNameNoneSets the comment reply author's name.
SetTextNoneSets the comment reply text.
SetTimeNoneSets the timestamp of the comment reply creation in the current time zone format.
SetTimeUTCNoneSets the timestamp of the comment reply creation in UTC format.
SetUserIdNoneSets the user ID to the comment reply author.