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Requests the license from ONLYOFFICE Docs with information about the server and user quota.

Request example
    "c": "license"
Name Description Type Presence
c Defines the command type. string required
Response example
    "error": 0,
    "license": {
        "end_date": "2021-07-07T23:59:59.000Z",
        "trial": false,
        "customization": false,
        "connections": 0,
        "connections_view": 0,
        "users_count": 10,
        "users_view_count": 10,
        "users_expire": 30
    "server": {
        "resultType": 3,
        "packageType": 1,
        "buildDate": "2021-05-21T00:00:00.000Z",
        "buildVersion": "6.3.0",
        "buildNumber": 111
    "quota": {
        "users": [
                "userid": "uid-0",
                "expire": "2021-07-07T23:59:59.000Z"
                "userid": "uid-1",
                "expire": "2021-07-09T23:59:59.000Z"
        "users_view": [
                "userid": "uid-0",
                "expire": "2021-07-07T23:59:59.000Z"
                "userid": "uid-1",
                "expire": "2021-07-09T23:59:59.000Z"
Parameter Description Type Presence
Defines an error code. integer required
Defines the document license information:
  • end_date - the license expiration date.
    type: string
    presence: required
  • trial - defines if the license is trial or not.
    type: boolean
    presence: required
  • customization - defines if the customization parameters marked with the * sign are available for editing only in ONLYOFFICE Developer Edition or not.
    type: boolean
    presence: required
  • connections - the number of connections for the connection license.
    type: integer
    presence: optional
  • connections_view - the number of connections for the live viewer.
    type: integer
    presence: optional
  • users_count - the number of users for the user license.
    type: integer
    presence: optional
  • users_view_count - the number of users for the live viewer.
    type: integer
    presence: optional
  • users_expire - the number of days after which the user license expires.
    type: integer
    presence: optional
object required
Defines the server characteristics:
  • resultType - the license status (1 - an error occurred, 2 - the license expired, 3 - the license is still available, 6 - the trial license expired).
    type: integer
    presence: required
  • packageType - the product version (0 - an open source product, 1 - the Enterprise Edition, 2 - the Developer Edition).
    type: integer
    presence: required
  • buildDate - the build date.
    type: string
    presence: required
  • buildVersion - the build version.
    type: string
    presence: optional
  • buildNumber - the build number.
    type: integer
    presence: required
object required
Defines the user quota value:
  • users - the user quota for the user license where userid - the id of the user who opened the editor, expire - date of license expiration for this user.
    type: array of objects
    presence: required
  • users_view - the user quota for the live viewer where userid - the id of the user who opened the editor, expire - date of viewing expiration for this user.
    type: array of objects
    presence: required
object required