
Requests the license from ONLYOFFICE Docs with information about the server and user quota.

Request example

  "c": "license"


cstringrequiredDefines the command type.

Response example

  "error": 0,
  "license": {
    "end_date": "2021-07-07T23:59:59.000Z",
    "trial": false,
    "customization": false,
    "connections": 0,
    "connections_view": 0,
    "users_count": 10,
    "users_view_count": 10,
    "users_expire": 30
  "server": {
    "resultType": 3,
    "packageType": 1,
    "buildDate": "2021-05-21T00:00:00.000Z",
    "buildVersion": "6.3.0",
    "buildNumber": 111
  "quota": {
    "users": [
        "userid": "uid-0",
        "expire": "2021-07-07T23:59:59.000Z"
        "userid": "uid-1",
        "expire": "2021-07-09T23:59:59.000Z"
    "users_view": [
        "userid": "uid-0",
        "expire": "2021-07-07T23:59:59.000Z"
        "userid": "uid-1",
        "expire": "2021-07-09T23:59:59.000Z"

Response parameters

errorintegerrequiredDefines an error code.
licenseobjectoptionalDefines the document license information:

end_date - the license expiration date,
type: string,
presence: required;

trial - defines if the license is trial or not,
type: boolean,
presence: required;

customization - defines if the customization parameters marked with the * sign are available for editing only in ONLYOFFICE Developer Edition or not,
type: boolean,
presence: required;

connections - the number of connections for the connection license,
type: integer,
presence: optional;

connections_view - the number of connections for the live viewer,
type: integer,
presence: optional;

users_count - the number of users for the user license,
type: integer,
presence: optional;

users_view_count - the number of users for the live viewer,
type: integer,
presence: optional;

users_expire - the number of days after which the user license expires,
type: integer,
presence: optional.
serverobjectrequiredDefines the server characteristics:

resultType - the license status (1 - an error occurred, 2 - the license expired, 3 - the license is still available, 6 - the trial license expired),
type: integer,
presence: required;

packageType - the product version (0 - an open source product, 1 - the Enterprise Edition, 2 - the Developer Edition),
type: integer,
presence: required;

buildDate - the build date,
type: string,
presence: required;

buildVersion - the build version,
type: string,
presence: optional;

buildNumber - the build number,
type: integer,
presence: required.
quotaobjectrequiredDefines the user quota value:

users - the user quota for the user license where userid - the id of the user who opened the editor, expire - date of license expiration for this user,
type: array of objects,
presence: required;

users_view - the user quota for the live viewer where userid - the id of the user who opened the editor, expire - date of viewing expiration for this user,
type: array of objects,
presence: required.

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  • You can also ask our developers on ONLYOFFICE forum (registration required).