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Represents the ApiSlide class.


AddObjectbooleanAdds an object (image, shape or chart) to the current presentation slide.
ApplyLayoutbooleanApplies the specified layout to the current slide.\ The layout must be in slide master.
ApplyThemebooleanApplies the specified theme to the current slide.
ClearBackgroundbooleanClears the slide background.
CopyApiSlide | nullCreates a copy of the current slide object.
DeletebooleanDeletes the current slide from the presentation.
DuplicateApiSlide | nullCreates a duplicate of the specified slide object, adds the new slide to the slides collection.
FollowLayoutBackgroundbooleanSets the layout background as the background of the slide.
FollowMasterBackgroundbooleanSets the master background as the background of the slide.
GetAllChartsApiChart[]Returns an array with all the chart objects from the slide.
GetAllDrawingsDrawing[]Returns an array with all the drawing objects from the slide.
GetAllImagesApiImage[]Returns an array with all the image objects from the slide.
GetAllOleObjectsApiOleObject[]Returns an array with all the OLE objects from the slide.
GetAllShapesApiShape[]Returns an array with all the shape objects from the slide.
GetClassType"slide"Returns the type of the ApiSlide class.
GetDrawingsByPlaceholderTypeDrawing[]Returns an array of drawings by the specified placeholder type.
GetHeightEMUReturns the slide height in English measure units.
GetLayoutApiLayout | nullReturns a layout of the current slide.
GetSlideIndexnumberReturns a position of the current slide in the presentation.
GetThemeApiThemeReturns a theme of the current slide.
GetVisiblebooleanReturns the visibility of the current presentation slide.
GetWidthEMUReturns the slide width in English measure units.
GroupDrawingsApiGroupGroups an array of drawings in the current slide.
MoveTobooleanMoves the current slide to a specific location within the same collection.
RemoveAllObjectsNoneRemoves all the objects from the current slide.
RemoveObjectbooleanRemoves objects (image, shape or chart) from the current slide.
SelectNoneSelects the current slide.
SetBackgroundbooleanSets the background to the current presentation slide.
SetVisiblebooleanSets the visibility to the current presentation slide.
ToJSONJSONConverts the ApiSlide object into the JSON object.