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Represents the ApiDrawing class.


CopyApiDrawingCreates a copy of the specified drawing object.
DeletebooleanDeletes the specified drawing object from the parent.
GetClassType"drawing"Returns a type of the ApiDrawing class.
GetClassType"drawing"Returns the type of the ApiDrawing class.
GetHeightEMUReturns the height of the current drawing.
GetLockValuebooleanReturns the lock value for the specified lock type of the current drawing.
GetParentApiSlide | ApiLayout | ApiMaster | nullReturns the drawing parent object.
GetParentLayoutApiLayout | nullReturns the drawing parent slide layout.
GetParentMasterApiMaster | nullReturns the drawing parent slide master.
GetParentSlideApiSlide | nullReturns the drawing parent slide.
GetPlaceholderApiPlaceholder | nullReturns a placeholder from the current drawing object.
GetWidthEMUReturns the width of the current drawing.
SelectNoneSelects the current graphic object.
SetLockValuebooleanSets the lock value to the specified lock type of the current drawing.
SetPlaceholderbooleanSets the specified placeholder to the current drawing object.
SetPositionNoneSets the position of the drawing on the slide.
SetSizeNoneSets the size of the object (image, shape, chart) bounding box.
ToJSONJSONConverts the ApiDrawing object into the JSON object.