Represents the ApiChart class.
Method | Returns | Description |
ApplyChartStyle | boolean | Sets a style to the current chart by style ID. |
GetAllSeries | ApiChartSeries[] | Returns all series from the chart space. |
GetChartType | ChartType | Returns a type of the chart object. |
GetClassType | "chart" | Returns a type of the ApiChart class. |
GetSeries | ApiChartSeries | Returns the series with a specific index. |
RemoveSeria | boolean | Removes the specified series from the current chart. |
SetAxieNumFormat | boolean | Sets the specified numeric format to the axis values. |
SetCategoryName | boolean | Sets a name to the specified chart category. |
SetDataPointFill | boolean | Sets the fill to the data point in the specified chart series. |
SetDataPointNumFormat | boolean | Sets the specified numeric format to the chart data point. |
SetDataPointOutLine | boolean | Sets the outline to the data point in the specified chart series. |
SetHorAxisMajorTickMark | None | Specifies major tick mark for the horizontal axis. |
SetHorAxisMinorTickMark | None | Specifies minor tick mark for the horizontal axis. |
SetHorAxisOrientation | None | Specifies the horizontal axis orientation. |
SetHorAxisTickLabelPosition | None | Spicifies tick labels position for the horizontal axis. |
SetHorAxisTitle | None | Specifies the chart horizontal axis title. |
SetLegendFill | boolean | Sets the fill to the chart legend. |
SetLegendFontSize | None | Specifies the legend font size. |
SetLegendOutLine | boolean | Sets the outline to the chart legend. |
SetLegendPos | None | Specifies the chart legend position. |
SetMajorHorizontalGridlines | None | Specifies major horizontal gridline visual properties. |
SetMajorVerticalGridlines | None | Specifies major vertical gridline visual properties. |
SetMarkerFill | boolean | Sets the fill to the marker in the specified chart series. |
SetMarkerOutLine | boolean | Sets the outline to the marker in the specified chart series. |
SetMinorHorizontalGridlines | None | Specifies minor horizontal gridline visual properties. |
SetMinorVerticalGridlines | None | Specifies minor vertical gridline visual properties. |
SetPlotAreaFill | boolean | Sets the fill to the chart plot area. |
SetPlotAreaOutLine | boolean | Sets the outline to the chart plot area. |
SetSeriaName | boolean | Sets a name to the specified chart series. |
SetSeriaNumFormat | boolean | Sets the specified numeric format to the chart series. |
SetSeriaValues | boolean | Sets values to the specified chart series. |
SetSeriesFill | boolean | Sets the fill to the specified chart series. |
SetSeriesOutLine | boolean | Sets the outline to the specified chart series. |
SetShowDataLabels | None | Specifies which chart data labels are shown for the chart. |
SetShowPointDataLabel | None | Spicifies the show options for data labels. |
SetTitle | None | Specifies the chart title. |
SetTitleFill | boolean | Sets the fill to the chart title. |
SetTitleOutLine | boolean | Sets the outline to the chart title. |
SetVerAxisOrientation | None | Specifies the vertical axis orientation. |
SetVerAxisTitle | None | Specifies the chart vertical axis title. |
SetVertAxisMajorTickMark | None | Specifies major tick mark for the vertical axis. |
SetVertAxisMinorTickMark | None | Specifies minor tick mark for the vertical axis. |
SetVertAxisTickLabelPosition | None | Spicifies tick labels position for the vertical axis. |
SetXValues | boolean | Sets the x-axis values to all chart series. It is used with the scatter charts only. |