Checking PDF forms
PDF forms differ from standard PDF files in form metadata. It determines which editor opens a file: the form editor or the standard PDF editor.
To distinguish standard PDF files from PDF forms, you can use the check functions. These functions take the first 300 bytes of the file and check if there is "ONLYOFFICEFORM"
there. If true
, then it is an extended PDF file. Otherwise, it is a standard PDF file.
Please note that you can speed up file opening by specifying the document.isForm parameter.
Below you can find the check functions in different programming languages.
function isExtendedPDFFile(text) {
if (!text) {
return false
const indexFirst = text.indexOf("%\u00CD\u00CA\u00D2\u00A9\u000D")
if (indexFirst === -1) {
return false
let pFirst = text.slice(indexFirst + 6)
if (!(pFirst.lastIndexOf("1 0 obj\u000A<<\u000A", 0) === 0)) {
return false
pFirst = pFirst.slice(11)
const signature = "ONLYOFFICEFORM"
const indexStream = pFirst.indexOf("stream\u000D\u000A")
const indexMeta = pFirst.indexOf(signature)
if (indexStream === -1 || indexMeta === -1 || indexStream < indexMeta) {
return false
let pMeta = pFirst.slice(indexMeta)
pMeta = pMeta.slice(signature.length + 3)
let indexMetaLast = pMeta.indexOf(" ")
if (indexMetaLast === -1) {
return false
pMeta = pMeta.slice(indexMetaLast + 1)
indexMetaLast = pMeta.indexOf(" ")
if (indexMetaLast === -1) {
return false
return true
DocManager.prototype.isExtendedPDFFile = function isExtendedPDFFile(fileName) {
let filePath = this.forcesavePath(fileName, null, false)
if (filePath === "") {
filePath = this.storagePath(fileName)
const bufferSize = 300
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(bufferSize)
const fd = fileSystem.openSync(filePath, "r")
fileSystem.readSync(fd, buffer, 0, bufferSize)
const pBuffer = buffer.toString("latin1")
const indexFirst = pBuffer.indexOf("%\u00CD\u00CA\u00D2\u00A9\u000D")
if (indexFirst === -1) {
return false
let pFirst = pBuffer.slice(indexFirst + 6)
if (!pFirst.startsWith("1 0 obj\u000A<<\u000A")) {
return false
pFirst = pFirst.slice(11)
const indexStream = pFirst.indexOf("stream\u000D\u000A")
const indexMeta = pFirst.indexOf(configServer.get("gFormatOformPdfMetaTag"))
if (indexStream === -1 || indexMeta === -1 || indexStream < indexMeta) {
return false
let pMeta = pFirst.slice(indexMeta)
pMeta = pMeta.slice(configServer.get("gFormatOformPdfMetaTag").length + 3)
let indexMetaLast = pMeta.indexOf(" ")
if (indexMetaLast === -1) {
return false
pMeta = pMeta.slice(indexMetaLast + 1)
indexMetaLast = pMeta.indexOf(" ")
if (indexMetaLast === -1) {
return false
return true
Java Spring
public Boolean isExtendedPDFFile(final String fileName) {
Resource resource = storageMutator.loadFileAsResource(fileName);
byte[] bytes;
try (InputStream inputStream = resource.getInputStream()) {
bytes = inputStream.readNBytes(110);
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
String pBuffer = new String(bytes, "Windows-1252");
int indexFirst = pBuffer.indexOf("%\315\312\322\251\015");
if (indexFirst == -1) {
return false;
String pFirst = pBuffer.substring(indexFirst + 6);
if (!pFirst.startsWith("1 0 obj\012<<\012")) {
return false;
pFirst = pFirst.substring(11);
int indexStream = pFirst.indexOf("stream\015\012");
int indexMeta = pFirst.indexOf(Constants.G_FORMAT_OFORM_PDF_META_TAG);
if (indexStream == -1 || indexMeta == -1 || indexStream < indexMeta) {
return false;
String pMeta = pFirst.substring(indexMeta);
pMeta = pMeta.substring(Constants.G_FORMAT_OFORM_PDF_META_TAG.length() + 3);
int indexMetaLast = pMeta.indexOf(" ");
if (indexMetaLast == -1) {
return false;
pMeta = pMeta.substring(indexMetaLast + 1);
indexMetaLast = pMeta.indexOf(" ");
if (indexMetaLast == -1) {
return false;
return true;
bool COfficeFileFormatChecker::isPdfOformFormatFile(unsigned char *pBuffer, int dwBytes)
pBuffer[dwBytes - 1] = 0;
char* pFirst = strstr((char*)pBuffer, "%\315\312\322\251\015");
if (!pFirst || pFirst - (char*)pBuffer + 6 >= dwBytes)
return false;
pFirst += 6;
if (strncmp(pFirst, "1 0 obj\012<<\012", 11) != 0 || pFirst - (char*)pBuffer + 11 >= dwBytes)
return false;
pFirst += 11;
char* pStream = strstr(pFirst, "stream\015\012");
char* pMeta = strstr(pFirst, g_format_oform_pdf_meta_tag);
if (!pStream || !pMeta || pStream < pMeta)
return false;
pMeta += strlen(g_format_oform_pdf_meta_tag) + 3;
char* pMetaLast = strstr(pMeta, " ");
if (!pMetaLast)
return false;
pMeta = pMetaLast + 1;
pMetaLast = strstr(pMeta, " ");
if (!pMetaLast)
return false;
return true;
def is_pdf_form(text):
if not text:
return False
index_first = text.find(b"%\xCD\xCA\xD2\xA9\x0D")
if index_first == -1:
return False
p_first = text[index_first + 6:]
if not p_first.startswith(b"1 0 obj\x0A<<\x0A"):
return False
p_first = p_first[11:]
signature = b"ONLYOFFICEFORM"
index_stream = p_first.find(b"stream\x0D\x0A")
index_meta = p_first.find(signature)
if index_stream == -1 or index_meta == -1 or index_stream < index_meta:
return False
p_meta = p_first[index_meta:]
p_meta = p_meta[len(signature) + 3:]
index_meta_last = p_meta.find(b" ")
if index_meta_last == -1:
return False
p_meta = p_meta[index_meta_last + 1:]
index_meta_last = p_meta.find(b" ")
if index_meta_last == -1:
return False
return True
public function isOnlyofficeForm($file) {
if ($file === null) return false;
$limitDetect = 300;
$onlyofficeFormMetaTag = "ONLYOFFICEFORM";
$path = $file->getStoredFilePath() . "file";
$content = file_get_contents($path, false, null, 0, $limitDetect);
$indexFirst = strpos($content, "%\xCD\xCA\xD2\xA9\x0D");
if ($indexFirst === false) {
return false;
$pFirst = substr($content, $indexFirst + 6);
if (!str_starts_with($pFirst, "1 0 obj\n<<\n")) {
return false;
$pFirst = substr($pFirst, 11);
$indexStream = strpos($pFirst, "stream\x0D\x0A");
$indexMeta = strpos($pFirst, $onlyofficeFormMetaTag);
if ($indexStream === false || $indexMeta === false || $indexStream < $indexMeta) {
return false;
$pMeta = substr($pFirst, $indexMeta);
$pMeta = substr($pMeta, strlen($onlyofficeFormMetaTag) + 3);
$indexMetaLast = strpos($pMeta, " ");
if ($indexMetaLast === false) {
return false;
$pMeta = substr($pMeta, $indexMetaLast + 1);
$indexMetaLast = strpos($pMeta, " ");
if ($indexMetaLast === false) {
return false;
return true;