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Specific text field properties.




autoFitbooleanSpecifies if the text field content should be autofit, i.e. whether the font size adjusts to the size of the fixed size form.
cellWidthnumberThe cell width for each character measured in millimeters. If this parameter is not specified or equal to 0 or less, then the width will be set automatically.
combbooleanSpecifies if the text field should be a comb of characters with the same cell width. The maximum number of characters must be set to a positive value.
maxCharactersnumberThe maximum number of characters in the text field.
multiLinebooleanSpecifies if the current fixed size text field is multiline or not.


This example creates a text form with the specific text form properties.

let textFormPrBase = {"comb": true, "maxCharacters": 10, "cellWidth": 3, "multiLine": false, "autoFit": false};
let textForm = Api.CreateTextForm(textFormPrBase);