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Specific picture form properties.




lockAspectRatiobooleanSpecifies if the aspect ratio of the picture form is locked or not.
respectBordersbooleanSpecifies if the form border width is respected or not when scaling the image.
scaleFlagScaleFlagThe condition to scale an image in the picture form: "always", "never", "tooBig" or "tooSmall".
shiftXpercentageHorizontal picture position inside the picture form measured in percent:\ -0 - the picture is placed on the left;\ -50 - the picture is placed in the center;\ -100 - the picture is placed on the right.
shiftYpercentageVertical picture position inside the picture form measured in percent:\ -0 - the picture is placed on top;\ -50 - the picture is placed in the center;\ -100 - the picture is placed on the bottom.


This example creates a combo box form with the specific combo box form properties.

let comboBoxFormPr = {"editable": false, "autoFit": false, "items": ["Latvia", "USA", "UK"]};
let comboBoxForm = Api.CreateComboBoxForm(comboBoxFormPr);