The embedded section is for the embedded document type only (see the config section to find out how to define the embedded document type). It allows to change the settings which define the behavior of the buttons in the embedded mode.
Type: string
Defines the absolute URL to the document serving as a source file for the document embedded into the web page.
Example: https://example.com/embedded?doc=exampledocument1.docx
Type: string
Defines the absolute URL to the document which will open in full screen mode.
Example: https://example.com/embedded?doc=exampledocument1.docx#fullscreen
Type: string
Defines the absolute URL that will allow the document to be saved onto the user personal computer.
Example: https://example.com/download?doc=exampledocument1.docx
Type: string
Defines the absolute URL that will allow other users to share this document.
Example: https://example.com/view?doc=exampledocument1.docx
Type: string
Defines the place for the embedded viewer toolbar, can be either top or bottom.
Example: "top"
const config = {
editorConfig: {
embedded: {
embedUrl: "https://example.com/embedded?doc=exampledocument1.docx",
fullscreenUrl: "https://example.com/embedded?doc=exampledocument1.docx#fullscreen",
saveUrl: "https://example.com/download?doc=exampledocument1.docx",
shareUrl: "https://example.com/view?doc=exampledocument1.docx",
toolbarDocked: "top",
const docEditor = new DocsAPI.DocEditor("placeholder", config);