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Represents the ApiCharacters class.


CaptionstringThe text of the specified range of characters.
CountnumberThe number of characters in the collection.
FontApiFontThe font of the specified characters.
ParentApiRangeThe parent object of the specified characters.
TextstringThe string value representing the text of the specified range of characters.


DeleteNoneDeletes the ApiCharacters object.
GetCaptionstringReturns a string value that represents the text of the specified range of characters.
GetCountnumberReturns a value that represents a number of objects in the collection.
GetFontApiFontReturns the ApiFont object that represents the font of the specified characters.
GetParentApiRangeReturns the parent object of the specified characters.
GetTextstringReturns the text of the specified range of characters.
InsertNoneInserts a string replacing the specified characters.
SetCaptionNoneSets a string value that represents the text of the specified range of characters.
SetTextNoneSets the text for the specified characters.