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Represents the ApiTableCell class.


GetClassType"tableCell"Returns the type of the ApiTableCell class.
GetContentApiDocumentContentReturns the current cell content.
SetCellBorderBottomNoneSets the border which shall be displayed at the bottom of the current table cell.
SetCellBorderLeftNoneSets the border which shall be displayed at the left of the current table cell.
SetCellBorderRightNoneSets the border which shall be displayed at the right of the current table cell.
SetCellBorderTopNoneSets the border which shall be displayed at the top of the current table cell.
SetCellMarginBottomNoneSpecifies an amount of space which shall be left between the bottom extent of the cell contents and the border\ of a specific individual table cell within a table.
SetCellMarginLeftNoneSpecifies an amount of space which shall be left between the left extent of the current cell contents and the\ left edge border of a specific individual table cell within a table.
SetCellMarginRightNoneSpecifies an amount of space which shall be left between the right extent of the current cell contents and the\ right edge border of a specific individual table cell within a table.
SetCellMarginTopNoneSpecifies an amount of space which shall be left between the top extent of the current cell contents and the\ top edge border of a specific individual table cell within a table.
SetShdNoneSpecifies the shading which shall be applied to the extents of the current table cell.
SetTextDirectionNoneSpecifies the direction of the text flow for the current table cell.
SetVerticalAlignNoneSpecifies the vertical alignment for text within the current table cell.