Represents the ApiTable class.
Method | Returns | Description |
AddColumn | None | Adds a new column to the end of the current table. |
AddElement | None | Adds a paragraph or a table or a blockLvl content control using its position in the cell. |
AddRow | ApiTableRow | Adds a new row to the current table. |
Copy | ApiTable | Creates a copy of the current table. |
GetClassType | "table" | Returns the type of the ApiTable object. |
GetRow | ApiTableRow | Returns a row by its index. |
MergeCells | ApiTableCell | Merges an array of cells. If merge is successful, it will return merged cell, otherwise "null".\ -Warning: The number of cells in any row and the number of rows in the current table may be changed. |
RemoveColumn | boolean | Removes a table column with the specified cell. |
RemoveRow | boolean | Removes a table row with the specified cell. |
SetShd | None | Specifies the shading which shall be applied to the extents of the current table. |
SetTableLook | None | Specifies the components of the conditional formatting of the referenced table style (if one exists)\ which shall be applied to the set of table rows with the current table-level property exceptions. A table style\ can specify up to six different optional conditional formats [Example: Different formatting for first column],\ which then can be applied or omitted from individual table rows in the parent table.\ \ The default setting is to apply the row and column banding formatting, but not the first row, last row, first\ column, or last column formatting. |
ToJSON | JSON | Converts the ApiTable object into the JSON object. |