Represents the ApiDocumentContent class.
Method | Returns | Description |
AddElement | None | Adds a paragraph or a table or a blockLvl content control using its position in the document content. |
GetClassType | "documentContent" | Returns a type of the ApiDocumentContent class. |
GetElement | DocumentElement | Returns an element by its position in the document. |
GetElementsCount | number | Returns a number of elements in the current document. |
Push | boolean | Pushes a paragraph or a table to actually add it to the document. |
RemoveAllElements | None | Removes all the elements from the current document or from the current document element.\ 💡 When all elements are removed, a new empty paragraph is automatically created. If you want to add\ content to this paragraph, use the ApiDocumentContent#GetElement method. |
RemoveElement | None | Removes an element using the position specified. |