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Starting from version 6.4, ONLYOFFICE Docs offers support for the Web Application Open Platform Interface Protocol (WOPI) - a REST-based protocol that is used to integrate your application with an online office. WOPI operations allow you to open files stored on a server, edit and save them.

This documentation describes:

For further information on the WOPI protocol, please read the WOPI documentation.

All the necessary WOPI settings you can find and change in the configuration file which can be found (or created) at the following path:


The default values are available in the default.json configuration file, which is available in the folders above (for Linux and Windows). Please do not edit the contents of the default.json file directly. The default values will be restored each time you restart Docker container or upgrade ONLYOFFICE Docs to a new version and all your changes will be lost.

Enabling WOPI

To enable WOPI, set the wopi.enable parameter in the ONLYOFFICE Docs config to true:


wopi.enablebooleantrueDefines if WOPI is enabled or not. The default value is false.


"wopi": {
"enable": true

IP filter

ONLYOFFICE Docs can accept WOPI requests only from the trusted integrator. The IP address of such an integrator must be included in the WOPI domain allow list. At the same time, access for all the other integrators must be denied.

By default, all the IP addresses are considered trusted.

Follow the steps below to configure the ONLYOFFICE Docs IP filter:

  1. Open the /etc/onlyoffice/documentserver/local.json file using any available text editor:

    "ipfilter": {
    "rules": [
    "address": "ip_address",
    "allowed": true
    "address": "*",
    "allowed": false
    "useforrequest": false,
    "errorcode": 403

  2. Change the following default settings. Enter your "ip_address" that can contain:

    • IP in the X.X.X.X format for ipv4,
    • IP in the xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx format for ipv6,
    • dns-name,
    • * wildcard to replace any symbol/symbols.
  3. Change the "allowed" rule that can be true or false.

  4. Restart the services for the config changes to take effect:

    systemctl restart ds-*