
Removed users

Users removed from the DocSpace portal are specified with the LostUser constant, which is a UserInfo object in the following format:

public static readonly UserInfo LostUser = new()
Id = new Guid("{4A515A15-D4D6-4b8e-828E-E0586F18F3A3}"),
FirstName = "Unknown",
LastName = "Unknown",
ActivationStatus = EmployeeActivationStatus.NotActivated

This object is also used for all users not found in the DocSpace portal (guests, users with the pending activation status, etc.).



The user ID. The removed users always have the {4A515A15-D4D6-4b8e-828E-E0586F18F3A3} ID.

Type: string

Value: new Guid("{4A515A15-D4D6-4b8e-828E-E0586F18F3A3}")


The user first name.

Type: string

Value: "Unknown"


The user last name.

Type: string

Value: "Unknown"


The user activation status ("NotActivated" or 0).

Type: string | integer

Value: EmployeeActivationStatus.NotActivated

For example, when sending GET requests to the api/2.0/people/email or api/2.0/people/{userid} addresses, the LostUser ID is used to check if a user with the specified email or name exists. If the user ID is equal to the LostUser ID, this user is removed from the portal and a 404 status code is returned (User not found).