Change background color
Sets blue color as the background of even indexed slides, if it is odd sets an image.
const presentation = Api.GetPresentation();
const slidesCount = presentation.GetSlidesCount();
//Create background color and solid fill
const backgroundColor = Api.CreateRGBColor(0, 150, 255);
const colorFill = Api.CreateSolidFill(backgroundColor);
//Create blip fill from image
const imageUrl = "";
const imageFill = Api.CreateBlipFill(imageUrl, "stretch");
//Iterate through each slide
for (let i = 0; i < slidesCount; i++) {
var slide = presentation.GetSlideByIndex(i);
if(i % 2 == 0) {
//Set color as background if index of slide is even
} else {
//Set image as background if index of slide is odd
Methods used: GetPresentation, GetSlidesCount, CreateRGBColor, CreateSolidFill, CreateBlipFill, GetSlideByIndex, SetBackground
Reference Microsoft VBA macro code
Sub SetSlideBackground()
Dim slide As slide
Dim slideIndex As Integer
Dim slidesCount As Integer
Dim backgroundColor As Long
Dim imageUrl As String
Dim picture As Object
Dim backgroundShape As Object
' Get the active presentation
Dim presentation As presentation
Set presentation = ActivePresentation
' Get the number of slides
slidesCount = presentation.Slides.Count
' Set the RGB color for background (R = 0, G = 150, B = 255)
backgroundColor = RGB(0, 150, 255)
' Set the image URL
imageUrl = ""
' Loop through each slide
For slideIndex = 1 To slidesCount
Set slide = presentation.Slides(slideIndex)
' Check if the slide index is even or odd
If slideIndex Mod 2 = 0 Then
' Set a solid color background if the index is even
slide.FollowMasterBackground = msoFalse
slide.Background.Fill.BackColor.RGB = backgroundColor
' Set an image as the background if the index is odd
slide.FollowMasterBackground = msoFalse
' Delete any previous background shapes if they exist
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
' Add the image to the slide
Set picture = slide.Shapes.AddPicture(imageUrl, _
MsoTriState.msoFalse, _
MsoTriState.msoTrue, _
0, 0)
' Stretch the image to cover the entire slide
picture.LockAspectRatio = MsoTriState.msoFalse
picture.Width = slide.Master.Width
picture.Height = slide.Master.Height
picture.Top = 0
picture.Left = 0
picture.Name = "background_image"
End If
Next slideIndex
MsgBox "Slide backgrounds have been updated!"
End Sub