class ApiDrawing
Class representing a graphical object.
Instance Methods
- GetClassType
(): drawing
Returns a type of the ApiDrawing class.
- SetSize
(nWidth, nHeight)
Sets the size of the object (image, shape, chart) bounding box.
- SetWrappingStyle
- SetHorAlign
(sRelativeFrom, sAlign)
Specifies how the floating object will be horizontally aligned.
- SetVerAlign
(sRelativeFrom, sAlign)
Specifies how the floating object will be vertically aligned.
- SetHorPosition
(sRelativeFrom, nDistance)
Sets the absolute measurement for the horizontal positioning of the floating object.
- SetVerPosition
(sRelativeFrom, nDistance)
Sets the absolute measurement for the vertical positioning of the floating object.
- SetDistances
(nLeft, nTop, nRight, nBottom)
Specifies the minimum distance which will be maintained between the edges of the current drawing object and any subsequent text.
- GetParentParagraph
(): ApiParagraph | "null"
Returns a parent paragraph that contains the graphic object.
- GetParentContentControl
(): ApiBlockLvlSdt | "null"
Returns a parent content control that contains the graphic object.
- GetParentTable
(): ApiTable | "null"
Returns a parent table that contains the graphic object.
- GetParentTableCell
(): ApiTableCell | "null"
Returns a parent table cell that contains the graphic object.
- Delete
(): boolean
Deletes the current graphic object.
- Copy
(): ApiDrawing
Copies the current graphic object.
- InsertInContentControl
(nType): ApiDrawing | ApiBlockLvlSdt
Wraps the graphic object with a rich text content control.
- InsertParagraph
(paragraph, sPosition, beRNewPara): ApiParagraph | ApiDrawing
Inserts a paragraph at the specified position.
- Select
Selects the current graphic object.
- AddBreak
(breakType, position): boolean
Inserts a break at the specified location in the main document.
- SetHorFlip
Flips the current drawing horizontally.
- SetVertFlip
(bFlip): boolean
Flips the current drawing vertically.
- ScaleHeight
(coefficient): boolean
Scales the height of the figure using the specified coefficient.
- ScaleWidth
(coefficient): boolean
Scales the width of the figure using the specified coefficient.
- Fill
(oFill): boolean
Sets the fill formatting properties to the current graphic object.
- SetOutLine
(oStroke): boolean
Sets the outline properties to the specified graphic object.
- GetNextDrawing
(): ApiDrawing | "null"
Returns the next inline drawing object if exists.
- GetPrevDrawing
(): ApiDrawing | "null"
Returns the previous inline drawing object if exists.
(bWriteNumberings, bWriteStyles): JSON
Converts the ApiDrawing object into the JSON object.
- GetWidth
(): EMU
Returns the width of the current drawing.
- GetHeight
(): EMU
Returns the height of the current drawing.
- GetLockValue
(sType): bool
Returns the lock value for the specified lock type of the current drawing.
- SetLockValue
(sType, bValue): bool
Sets the lock value to the specified lock type of the current drawing.
- SetDrawingPrFromDrawing
(oAnotherDrawing): boolean