class ApiDocument extends ApiDocumentContent
Class representing a document.
Instance Methods
- GetClassType
(): document
Returns a type of the ApiDocument class.
- CreateNewHistoryPoint
Creates a new history point.
- GetStyle
(sStyleName): ApiStyle
Returns a style by its name.
- CreateStyle
(sStyleName, sType): ApiStyle
- GetDefaultStyle
(sStyleType): ApiStyle
Returns the default style parameters for the specified document element.
- GetDefaultTextPr
(): ApiTextPr
Returns a set of default properties for the text run in the current document.
- GetDefaultParaPr
(): ApiParaPr
Returns a set of default paragraph properties in the current document.
- GetFinalSection
(): ApiSection
Returns the document final section.
- CreateSection
(oParagraph): ApiSection | "null"
- SetEvenAndOddHdrFtr
Specifies whether sections in this document will have different headers and footers for even and odd pages (one header/footer for odd pages and another header/footer for even pages).
- CreateNumbering
(sType): ApiNumbering
Creates an abstract multilevel numbering with a specified type.
- InsertContent
(arrContent, isInline, oPr): boolean
Inserts an array of elements into the current position of the document.
- GetCommentsReport
(): CommentReport
Returns a report about all the comments added to the document.
- GetReviewReport
(): ReviewReport
Returns a report about every change which was made to the document in the review mode.
- SearchAndReplace
(oProperties, oProperties.searchString, oProperties.replaceString, oProperties.matchCase)
Finds and replaces the text.
- GetAllContentControls
(): ApiBlockLvlSdt[] | ApiInlineLvlSdt[]
Returns a list of all the content controls from the document.
- GetTagsOfAllContentControls
(): String[]
Returns a list of all tags that are used for all content controls in the document.
- GetTagsOfAllForms
(): String[]
Returns a list of all tags that are used for all forms in the document.
- GetContentControlsByTag
(sTag): ApiBlockLvlSdt[] | ApiInlineLvlSdt[]
Returns a list of all content controls in the document with the specified tag name.
- GetFormsByTag
(sTag): ApiBlockLvlSdt[] | ApiInlineLvlSdt[]
Returns a list of all forms in the document with the specified tag name.
- GetFormsData
(): FormData[]
- SetFormsData
Sets the data to the specified forms.
- SetTrackRevisions
Sets the change tracking mode.
- IsTrackRevisions
(): boolean
Checks if change tracking mode is enabled or not.
- GetRange
(Start, End): ApiRange
Returns a Range object that represents the part of the document contained in the specified document.
- GetRangeBySelect
(): ApiRange | "null"
Returns a range object by the current selection.
- Last
(): DocumentElement
Returns the last document element.
- DeleteBookmark
(sName): boolean
Removes a bookmark from the document, if one exists.
- GetBookmarkRange
(sName): ApiRange | "null"
Returns a bookmark range.
- GetSections
(): ApiSection[]
Returns a collection of section objects in the document.
- GetAllTablesOnPage
(nPage): ApiTable[]
- AddDrawingToPage
(oDrawing, nPage, x, y): boolean
- RemoveSelection
Removes the current selection.
- Search
(sText, isMatchCase): ApiRange[]
- ToMarkdown
(bHtmlHeadings, bBase64img, bDemoteHeadings, bRenderHTMLTags): string
Converts a document to Markdown.
- ToHtml
(bHtmlHeadings, bBase64img, bDemoteHeadings, bRenderHTMLTags): string
Converts a document to HTML.
- InsertWatermark
(sText, bIsDiagonal): ApiDrawing
Inserts a watermark on each document page.
- GetWatermarkSettings
(): ApiWatermarkSettings
Returns the watermark settings in the current document.
- SetWatermarkSettings
(Settings): ApiDrawing
Sets the watermark settings in the current document.
- RemoveWatermark
Removes a watermark from the current document.
- UpdateAllTOC
Updates all tables of contents in the current document.
- UpdateAllTOF
Updates all tables of figures in the current document.
- UpdateAllFields
Updates all fields in the document.
(bWriteDefaultTextPr, bWriteDefaultParaPr, bWriteTheme, bWriteSectionPr, bWriteNumberings, bWriteStyles): JSON
Converts the ApiDocument object into the JSON object.
- GetAllForms
(): ApiForm[]
Returns all existing forms in the document.
- ClearAllFields
Clears all forms in the document.
- SetFormsHighlight
(r, g, b, bNone)
Sets the highlight to the forms in the document.
- GetAllComments
(): ApiComment[]
Returns all comments from the current document.
- GetCommentById
(sId): ApiComment
Returns a comment from the current document by its ID.
- GetAllNumberedParagraphs
(): ApiParagraph[]
Returns all numbered paragraphs from the current document.
- GetAllHeadingParagraphs
(): ApiParagraph[]
Returns all heading paragraphs from the current document.
- GetFootnotesFirstParagraphs
(): ApiParagraph[]
Returns the first paragraphs from all footnotes in the current document.
- GetEndNotesFirstParagraphs
(): ApiParagraph[]
Returns the first paragraphs from all endnotes in the current document.
- GetAllCaptionParagraphs
(sCaption): ApiParagraph[]
Returns all caption paragraphs of the specified type from the current document.
- AcceptAllRevisionChanges
Accepts all changes made in review mode.
- RejectAllRevisionChanges
Rejects all changes made in review mode.
- GetAllBookmarksNames
(): string[]
Returns an array with names of all bookmarks in the current document.
- GetSelectedDrawings
(): ApiShape[] | ApiImage[] | ApiChart[] | ApiDrawing[]
Returns all the selected drawings in the current document.
- ReplaceCurrentImage
(sImageUrl, Width, Height)
Replaces the current image with an image specified.
- ReplaceDrawing
(oOldDrawing, oNewDrawing, bSaveOldDrawingPr): boolean
Replaces a drawing with a new drawing.
- AddFootnote
(): ApiDocumentContent
Adds a footnote for the selected text (or the current position if the selection doesn't exist).
- AddEndnote
(): ApiDocumentContent
Adds an endnote for the selected text (or the current position if the selection doesn't exist).
- SetControlsHighlight
(r, g, b, bNone)
Sets the highlight to the content controls from the current document.
- AddTableOfContents
- AddTableOfFigures
(oTofPr, bReplace): boolean
Adds a table of figures to the current document.
- GetStatistics
(): object
Returns the document statistics represented as an object with the following parameters: PageCount - number of pages; WordsCount - number of words; ParagraphCount - number of paragraphs; SymbolsCount - number of symbols; SymbolsWSCount - number of symbols with spaces.
- GetPageCount
(): number
- GetAllStyles
(): ApiStyle[]
Returns all styles of the current document.
- GetDocumentInfo
(): object
Returns the document information: Application .
- GetCurrentWord
(sWordPart): string
Returns the current word or part of the current word.
- ReplaceCurrentWord
(sReplace, sPart): boolean
Replace the current word or part of the current word with the specified text.
- SelectCurrentWord
(): object
Selects the current word if it possible.
- AddComment
(sText, sAuthor, sUserId): ApiComment
Adds a comment to the current selection of the document, or to the current word if there is no text selection.
- GetCurrentSentence
(sPart): string
Returns the current sentence or part of the current sentence.
- ReplaceCurrentSentence
(sReplace, sPart): boolean
Replace the current sentence or part of the current sentence with the specified text.
- AddMathEquation
(sText, sFormat)
Add a math equation.
- GetElementsCount
Returns a number of elements in the current document.
- GetElement
Returns an element by its position in the document.
- AddElement
(nPos, oElement)
Adds a paragraph or a table or a blockLvl content control using its position in the document content.
- Push
Pushes a paragraph or a table to actually add it to the document.
- RemoveAllElements
- RemoveElement
Removes an element using the position specified.
- GetContent
Returns an array of document elements from the current ApiDocumentContent object.
- GetAllDrawingObjects
Returns a collection of drawing objects from the document content.
- GetAllShapes
Returns a collection of shape objects from the document content.
- GetAllImages
Returns a collection of image objects from the document content.
- GetAllCharts
Returns a collection of chart objects from the document content.
- GetAllOleObjects
Returns a collection of OLE objects from the document content.
- GetAllParagraphs
Returns an array of all paragraphs from the current document content.
- GetAllTables
Returns an array of all tables from the current document content.
- ApiDocumentContent
Class representing a container for paragraphs and tables.