class ApiComment
Class representing a comment.
Instance Methods
- GetClassType
(): comment
Returns a type of the ApiComment class.
- GetId
(): string
- GetText
(): string
Returns the comment text.
- SetText
(sText): ApiComment
Sets the comment text.
- GetAuthorName
(): string
Returns the comment author's name.
- SetAuthorName
(sAuthorName): ApiComment
Sets the comment author's name.
- GetUserId
(): string
Returns the user ID of the comment author.
- SetUserId
(sUserId): ApiComment
Sets the user ID to the comment author.
- IsSolved
(): boolean
Checks if a comment is solved or not.
- SetSolved
(bSolved): ApiComment
Marks a comment as solved.
- GetTimeUTC
(): Number
Returns the timestamp of the comment creation in UTC format.
- SetTimeUTC
(nTimeStamp): ApiComment
Sets the timestamp of the comment creation in UTC format.
- GetTime
(): Number
Returns the timestamp of the comment creation in the current time zone format.
- SetTime
(nTimeStamp): ApiComment
Sets the timestamp of the comment creation in the current time zone format.
- GetQuoteText
(): Number
Returns the quote text of the current comment.
- GetRepliesCount
(): Number
Returns a number of the comment replies.
- GetReply
(nIndex): ApiCommentReply
Returns the specified comment reply.
- AddReply
(sText, sAuthorName, sUserId, nPos): ApiComment
Adds a reply to a comment.
- RemoveReplies
(nPos, nCount, bRemoveAll): ApiComment
Removes the specified comment replies.
- Delete
(): boolean
Deletes the current comment from the document.