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Represents the ApiWatermarkSettings class.


GetClassType"watermarkSettings"Returns a type of the ApiWatermarkSettings class.
GetDirectionWatermarkDirectionReturns the direction of the watermark in the document.
GetImageHeightEMU | nullReturns the height of the watermark image in the document.
GetImageURLstring | nullReturns the image URL of the watermark in the document.
GetImageWidthEMU | nullReturns the width of the watermark image in the document.
GetOpacitynumberReturns the opacity of the watermark in the document.
GetTextstring | nullReturns the text of the watermark in the document.
GetTextPrApiTextPrReturns the text properties of the watermark in the document.
GetTypeWatermarkTypeReturns the type of the watermark in the document.
SetDirectionNoneSets the direction of the watermark in the document.
SetImageSizeNoneSets the size (width and height) of the watermark image in the document.
SetImageURLNoneSets the image URL of the watermark in the document.
SetOpacityNoneSets the opacity of the watermark in the document.
SetTextNoneSets the text of the watermark in the document.
SetTextPrNoneSets the text properties of the watermark in the document.
SetTypeNoneSets the type of the watermark in the document.