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Represents the ApiTableStylePr class.


GetClassType"tableStylePr"Returns a type of the ApiTableStylePr class.
GetParaPrApiParaPrReturns a set of the paragraph properties which will be applied to all the paragraphs within a table which match the conditional formatting type.
GetTableCellPrApiTableCellPrReturns a set of the table cell properties which will be applied to all the cells within a table which match the conditional formatting type.
GetTablePrApiTablePrReturns a set of the table properties which will be applied to all the regions within a table which match the conditional formatting type.
GetTableRowPrApiTableRowPrReturns a set of the table row properties which will be applied to all the rows within a table which match the conditional formatting type.
GetTextPrApiTextPrReturns a set of the text run properties which will be applied to all the text runs within the table which match the conditional formatting type.
GetTypeTableStyleOverrideTypeReturns a type of the current table conditional style.
ToJSONJSONConverts the ApiTableStylePr object into the JSON object.