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Represents the ApiTableRow class.


AddRowsApiTable | nullAdds the new rows to the current table.
ClearbooleanClears the content from the current row.
GetCellApiTableCellReturns a cell by its position.
GetCellsCountnumberReturns a number of cells in the current row.
GetClassType"tableRow"Returns a type of the ApiTableRow class.
GetClassType"tableRowPr"Returns a type of the ApiTableRowPr class.
GetIndexNumberReturns the current row index.
GetNextApiTableRow | nullReturns the next row if exists.
GetParentTableApiTable | nullReturns the parent table of the current row.
GetPreviousApiTableRow | nullReturns the previous row if exists.
MergeCellsApiTableCell | nullMerges the cells in the current row.
RemovebooleanRemoves the current table row.
SearchApiRange[]Searches for a scope of a table row object. The search results are a collection of ApiRange objects.
SetBackgroundColorbooleanSets the background color to all cells in the current table row.
SetHeightNoneSets the height to the current table row within the current table.
SetTableHeaderNoneSpecifies that the current table row will be repeated at the top of each new page \ wherever this table is displayed. This gives this table row the behavior of a 'header' row on \ each of these pages. This element can be applied to any number of rows at the top of the \ table structure in order to generate multi-row table headers.
SetTextPrbooleanSets the text properties to the current row.
ToJSONJSONConverts the ApiTableRowPr object into the JSON object.