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Represents the ApiTableCell class.


AddColumnsApiTable | nullAdds the new columns to the current table.
AddElementbooleanAdds a paragraph or a table or a blockLvl content control using its position in the cell.
AddRowsApiTable | nullAdds the new rows to the current table.
ClearbooleanClears the content from the current cell.
GetClassType"tableCell"Returns a type of the ApiTableCell class.
GetClassType"tableCellPr"Returns a type of the ApiTableCellPr class.
GetContentApiDocumentContentReturns the current cell content.
GetIndexNumberReturns the current cell index.
GetNextApiTableCell | nullReturns the next cell if exists.
GetParentRowApiTableRow | nullReturns a parent row of the current cell.
GetParentTableApiTable | nullReturns a parent table of the current cell.
GetPreviousApiTableCell | nullReturns the previous cell if exists.
GetRowIndexnumberReturns an index of the parent row.
RemoveColumnbooleanRemoves a column containing the current cell.
RemoveRowbooleanRemoves a row containing the current cell.
SearchApiRange[]Searches for a scope of a table cell object. The search results are a collection of ApiRange objects.
SetBackgroundColorbooleanSets the background color to the current table cell.
SetCellBorderBottomNoneSets the border which will be displayed at the bottom of the current table cell.
SetCellBorderLeftNoneSets the border which will be displayed to the left of the current table cell.
SetCellBorderRightNoneSets the border which will be displayed to the right of the current table cell.
SetCellBorderTopNoneSets the border which will be displayed at the top of the current table cell.
SetCellMarginBottomNoneSpecifies an amount of space which will be left between the bottom extent of the cell contents and the border\ of a specific table cell within a table.
SetCellMarginLeftNoneSpecifies an amount of space which will be left between the left extent of the cell contents and \ the border of a specific table cell within a table.
SetCellMarginRightNoneSpecifies an amount of space which will be left between the right extent of the cell contents and the border of a specific table cell within a table.
SetCellMarginTopNoneSpecifies an amount of space which will be left between the upper extent of the cell contents\ and the border of a specific table cell within a table.
SetCellPrbooleanSets the cell properties to the current cell.
SetColumnBackgroundColorbooleanSets the background color to all cells in the column containing the current cell.
SetNoWrapNoneSpecifies how the current table cell is laid out when the parent table is displayed in a document. This setting\ only affects the behavior of the cell when the ApiTablePr#SetTableLayout table layout for this table is set to use the <code>"autofit"</code> algorithm.
SetShdNoneSpecifies the shading applied to the contents of the table cell.
SetTextDirectionNoneSpecifies the direction of the text flow for this table cell.
SetTextPrbooleanApplies the text settings to the entire contents of the current cell.
SetVerticalAlignNoneSpecifies the vertical alignment for the text contents within the current table cell.
SetWidthNoneSets the preferred width to the current table cell.
SplitApiTable | nullSplits the cell into a given number of rows and columns.
ToJSONJSONConverts the ApiTableCellPr object into the JSON object.