Represents the ApiTableCell class.
Method | Returns | Description |
AddColumns | ApiTable | null | Adds the new columns to the current table. |
AddElement | boolean | Adds a paragraph or a table or a blockLvl content control using its position in the cell. |
AddRows | ApiTable | null | Adds the new rows to the current table. |
Clear | boolean | Clears the content from the current cell. |
GetClassType | "tableCell" | Returns a type of the ApiTableCell class. |
GetClassType | "tableCellPr" | Returns a type of the ApiTableCellPr class. |
GetContent | ApiDocumentContent | Returns the current cell content. |
GetIndex | Number | Returns the current cell index. |
GetNext | ApiTableCell | null | Returns the next cell if exists. |
GetParentRow | ApiTableRow | null | Returns a parent row of the current cell. |
GetParentTable | ApiTable | null | Returns a parent table of the current cell. |
GetPrevious | ApiTableCell | null | Returns the previous cell if exists. |
GetRowIndex | number | Returns an index of the parent row. |
RemoveColumn | boolean | Removes a column containing the current cell. |
RemoveRow | boolean | Removes a row containing the current cell. |
Search | ApiRange[] | Searches for a scope of a table cell object. The search results are a collection of ApiRange objects. |
SetBackgroundColor | boolean | Sets the background color to the current table cell. |
SetCellBorderBottom | None | Sets the border which will be displayed at the bottom of the current table cell. |
SetCellBorderLeft | None | Sets the border which will be displayed to the left of the current table cell. |
SetCellBorderRight | None | Sets the border which will be displayed to the right of the current table cell. |
SetCellBorderTop | None | Sets the border which will be displayed at the top of the current table cell. |
SetCellMarginBottom | None | Specifies an amount of space which will be left between the bottom extent of the cell contents and the border\ of a specific table cell within a table. |
SetCellMarginLeft | None | Specifies an amount of space which will be left between the left extent of the cell contents and \ the border of a specific table cell within a table. |
SetCellMarginRight | None | Specifies an amount of space which will be left between the right extent of the cell contents and the border of a specific table cell within a table. |
SetCellMarginTop | None | Specifies an amount of space which will be left between the upper extent of the cell contents\ and the border of a specific table cell within a table. |
SetCellPr | boolean | Sets the cell properties to the current cell. |
SetColumnBackgroundColor | boolean | Sets the background color to all cells in the column containing the current cell. |
SetNoWrap | None | Specifies how the current table cell is laid out when the parent table is displayed in a document. This setting\ only affects the behavior of the cell when the ApiTablePr#SetTableLayout table layout for this table is set to use the <code>"autofit"</code> algorithm. |
SetShd | None | Specifies the shading applied to the contents of the table cell. |
SetTextDirection | None | Specifies the direction of the text flow for this table cell. |
SetTextPr | boolean | Applies the text settings to the entire contents of the current cell. |
SetVerticalAlign | None | Specifies the vertical alignment for the text contents within the current table cell. |
SetWidth | None | Sets the preferred width to the current table cell. |
Split | ApiTable | null | Splits the cell into a given number of rows and columns. |
ToJSON | JSON | Converts the ApiTableCellPr object into the JSON object. |