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Represents the ApiTable class.


AddCaptionbooleanAdds a caption paragraph after (or before) the current table.\ 💡 Please note that the current table must be in the document (not in the footer/header).\ And if the current table is placed in a shape, then a caption is added after (or before) the parent shape.
AddColumnNoneAdds a new column to the current table.
AddColumnsNoneAdds the new columns to the current table.
AddCommentApiCommentAdds a comment to all contents of the current table.\ 💡 Please note that this table must be in the document.
AddElementNoneAdds a paragraph or a table or a blockLvl content control using its position in the cell.
AddRowApiTableRowAdds a new row to the current table.
AddRowsApiTableAdds the new rows to the current table.
ClearbooleanClears the content from the table.
CopyApiTableCreates a copy of the current table.
DeletebooleanDeletes the current table.
GetCellApiTableCell | nullReturns a cell by its position.
GetClassType"table"Returns a type of the ApiTable class.
GetClassType"tablePr"Returns a type of the ApiTablePr class.
GetParentContentControlApiBlockLvlSdt | nullReturns a content control that contains the current table.
GetParentTableApiTable | nullReturns a table that contains the current table.
GetParentTableCellApiTableCell | nullReturns a table cell that contains the current table.
GetPosInParentNumberReturns the table position within its parent element.
GetRangeApiRangeReturns a Range object that represents the part of the document contained in the specified table.
GetRowApiTableRow | nullReturns a table row by its position in the table.
GetRowsCountnumberReturns a number of rows in the current table.
GetTableDescriptionstringReturns the table description.
GetTableTitlestringReturns the table title (caption).
GetTablesApiTable[]Returns an array of tables that represents all the tables nested within the specified table.
InsertInContentControlApiTable | ApiBlockLvlSdtWraps the current table object with a content control.
MergeCellsApiTableCellMerges an array of cells. If the merge is done successfully, it will return the resulting merged cell, otherwise the result will be "null".\ 💡 The number of cells in any row and the number of rows in the current table may be changed.
RemoveColumnbooleanRemoves a table column with a specified cell.
RemoveRowbooleanRemoves a table row with a specified cell.
ReplaceByElementbooleanReplaces the current table with a new element.
SearchApiRange[]Searches for a scope of a table object. The search results are a collection of ApiRange objects.
SelectbooleanSelects the current table.
SetBackgroundColorbooleanSets the background color to all cells in the current table.
SetCellSpacingNoneSpecifies the default table cell spacing (the spacing between adjacent cells and the edges of the table).
SetHAlignbooleanSets the horizontal alignment to the table.
SetJcNoneSpecifies the alignment of the current table with respect to the text margins in the current section.
SetPaddingsbooleanSets the table paddings.\ If table is inline, then only left padding is applied.
SetShdNoneSpecifies the shading which is applied to the extents of the current table.
SetStylebooleanSets a style to the current table.
SetStyleColBandSizeNoneSpecifies a number of columns which will comprise each table column band for this table style.
SetStyleRowBandSizeNoneSpecifies a number of rows which will comprise each table row band for this table style.
SetTableBorderBottomNoneSets the border which will be displayed at the bottom of the current table.
SetTableBorderInsideHNoneSpecifies the border which will be displayed on all horizontal table cell borders which are not on the outmost edge\ of the parent table (all horizontal borders which are not the topmost or bottommost borders).
SetTableBorderInsideVNoneSpecifies the border which will be displayed on all vertical table cell borders which are not on the outmost edge\ of the parent table (all vertical borders which are not the leftmost or rightmost borders).
SetTableBorderLeftNoneSets the border which will be displayed on the left of the current table.
SetTableBorderRightNoneSets the border which will be displayed on the right of the current table.
SetTableBorderTopNoneSets the border which will be displayed at the top of the current table.
SetTableCellMarginBottomNoneSpecifies an amount of space which will be left between the bottom extent of the cell contents and the border\ of all table cells within the parent table (or table row).
SetTableCellMarginLeftNoneSpecifies an amount of space which will be left between the left extent of the cell contents and the left\ border of all table cells within the parent table (or table row).
SetTableCellMarginRightNoneSpecifies an amount of space which will be left between the right extent of the cell contents and the right\ border of all table cells within the parent table (or table row).
SetTableCellMarginTopNoneSpecifies an amount of space which will be left between the top extent of the cell contents and the top border\ of all table cells within the parent table (or table row).
SetTableDescriptionbooleanSets the table description.
SetTableIndNoneSpecifies the indentation which will be added before the leading edge of the current table in the document\ (the left edge in the left-to-right table, and the right edge in the right-to-left table).
SetTableLayoutNoneSpecifies the algorithm which will be used to lay out the contents of the current table within the document.
SetTableLookNoneSpecifies the conditional formatting components of the referenced table style (if one exists) \ which will be applied to the set of table rows with the current table-level property exceptions. A table style \ can specify up to six different optional conditional formats, for example, different formatting for the first column, \ which then can be applied or omitted from individual table rows in the parent table.\ \ The default setting is to apply the row and column band formatting, but not the first row, last row, first \ column, or last column formatting.
SetTableTitlebooleanSets the table title (caption).
SetTextPrbooleanApplies the text settings to the entire contents of the table.
SetVAlignbooleanSets the vertical alignment to the table.
SetWidthNoneSets the preferred width to the current table.\ 💡 Tables are created with the ApiTable#SetWidth method properties set by default, which always override the ApiTablePr#SetWidth method properties. That is why there is no use to try and apply ApiTablePr#SetWidth. We recommend you to use the ApiTablePr#SetWidth method instead.
SetWrappingStylebooleanSets the table wrapping style.
SplitApiTable | nullSplits the cell into a given number of rows and columns.
ToJSONJSONConverts the ApiTable object into the JSON object.
ToJSONJSONConverts the ApiTablePr object into the JSON object.