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Represents the ApiStyle class.


GetClassType"style"Returns a type of the ApiStyle class.
GetConditionalTableStyleApiTableStylePrReturns a set of formatting properties which will be conditionally applied to the parts of a table that match the \ requirement specified in the sType parameter.
GetNamestringReturns a name of the current style.
GetParaPrApiParaPrReturns the paragraph properties of the current style.
GetTableCellPrApiTableCellPrReturns the table cell properties of the current style.
GetTablePrApiTablePrReturns the table properties of the current style.
GetTableRowPrApiTableRowPrReturns the table row properties of the current style.
GetTextPrApiTextPrReturns the text properties of the current style.
GetTypeStyleTypeReturns a type of the current style.
SetBasedOnNoneSpecifies the reference to the parent style which this style inherits from in the style hierarchy.
SetNameNoneSets a name of the current style.
ToJSONJSONConverts the ApiStyle object into the JSON object.