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Represents the ApiHyperlink class.


GetClassType"hyperlink"Returns a type of the ApiHyperlink class.
GetDisplayedTextstringReturns the hyperlink display text.
GetElementParagraphContentReturns the hyperlink element using the position specified.
GetElementsCountnumberReturns a number of elements in the current hyperlink.
GetLinkedTextstringReturns the hyperlink address.
GetRangeApiRangeReturns a Range object that represents the document part contained in the specified hyperlink.
GetScreenTipTextstringReturns the screen tip text of the hyperlink.
SetDefaultStylebooleanSets the default hyperlink style.
SetDisplayedTextbooleanSets the hyperlink display text.
SetLinkbooleanSets the hyperlink address.
SetScreenTipTextbooleanSets the screen tip text of the hyperlink.
ToJSONJSONConverts the ApiHyperlink object into the JSON object.