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Represents the ApiDrawing class.


AddBreakbooleanInserts a break at the specified location in the main document.
CopyApiDrawingCopies the current graphic object.
DeletebooleanDeletes the current graphic object.
FillbooleanSets the fill formatting properties to the current graphic object.
GetClassType"drawing"Returns a type of the ApiDrawing class.
GetContentApiDocumentContentReturns the drawing inner contents where a paragraph or text runs can be inserted if it exists.
GetHeightEMUReturns the height of the current drawing.
GetLockValuebooleanReturns the lock value for the specified lock type of the current drawing.
GetNextDrawingApiDrawing | nullReturns the next inline drawing object if exists.
GetParentContentControlApiBlockLvlSdt | nullReturns a parent content control that contains the graphic object.
GetParentParagraphApiParagraph | nullReturns a parent paragraph that contains the graphic object.
GetParentTableApiTable | nullReturns a parent table that contains the graphic object.
GetParentTableCellApiTableCell | nullReturns a parent table cell that contains the graphic object.
GetPrevDrawingApiDrawing | nullReturns the previous inline drawing object if exists.
GetWidthEMUReturns the width of the current drawing.
InsertInContentControlApiDrawing | ApiBlockLvlSdtWraps the graphic object with a rich text content control.
InsertParagraphApiParagraph | ApiDrawingInserts a paragraph at the specified position.
ScaleHeightbooleanScales the height of the figure using the specified coefficient.
ScaleWidthbooleanScales the width of the figure using the specified coefficient.
SelectNoneSelects the current graphic object.
SetDistancesNoneSpecifies the minimum distance which will be maintained between the edges of the current drawing object and any\ subsequent text.
SetDrawingPrFromDrawingbooleanSets the properties from another drawing to the current drawing.\ The following properties will be copied: horizontal and vertical alignment, distance between the edges of the current drawing object and any subsequent text, wrapping style, drawing name, title and description.
SetHorAlignNoneSpecifies how the floating object will be horizontally aligned.
SetHorFlipNoneFlips the current drawing horizontally.
SetHorPositionNoneSets the absolute measurement for the horizontal positioning of the floating object.
SetLockValuebooleanSets the lock value to the specified lock type of the current drawing.
SetOutLinebooleanSets the outline properties to the specified graphic object.
SetSizeNoneSets the size of the object (image, shape, chart) bounding box.
SetVerAlignNoneSpecifies how the floating object will be vertically aligned.
SetVerPositionNoneSets the absolute measurement for the vertical positioning of the floating object.
SetVertFlipbooleanFlips the current drawing vertically.
SetWrappingStyleNoneSets the wrapping type of the current object (image, shape, chart). One of the following wrapping style types can be set:\ -"inline" - the object is considered to be a part of the text, like a character, so when the text moves, the object moves as well. In this case the positioning options are inaccessible.\ If one of the following styles is selected, the object can be moved independently of the text and positioned on the page exactly:\ -"square" - the text wraps the rectangular box that bounds the object.\ -"tight" - the text wraps the actual object edges.\ -"through" - the text wraps around the object edges and fills in the open white space within the object.\ -"topAndBottom" - the text is only above and below the object.\ -"behind" - the text overlaps the object.\ -"inFront" - the object overlaps the text.
ToJSONJSONConverts the ApiDrawing object into the JSON object.