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Represents the ApiContentControlListEntry class.


DeletebooleanDeletes the specified item in the combo box / dropdown list content control.
GetClassType"contentControlList"Returns a type of the ApiContentControlListEntry class.
GetIndexnumberReturns an index of the content control list item in the combo box / dropdown list content control.
GetParentApiContentControlListReturns a parent of the content control list item in the combo box / dropdown list content control.
GetTextstringReturns a String that represents the display text of a list item for the combo box / dropdown list content control.
GetValuestringReturns a String that represents the value of a list item for the combo box / dropdown list content control.
MoveDownbooleanMoves the current item in the parent combo box / dropdown list content control down one element, so that it is after the item that originally followed it.
MoveUpbooleanMoves the current item in the parent combo box / dropdown list content control up one element.
SelectbooleanSelects the list entry in the combo box / dropdown list content control and sets the text of the content control to the selected item value.
SetIndexbooleanSets an index to the content control list item in the combo box / dropdown list content control.
SetTextbooleanSets a String that represents the display text of a list item for the combo box / dropdown list content control.
SetValuebooleanSets a String that represents the value of a list item for the combo box / dropdown list content control.