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Represents the Api class.


AddCommentApiCommentAdds a comment to the specifed document element or array of Runs.
ConvertDocumentstringConverts a document to Markdown or HTML text.
CreateBlipFillApiFillCreates a blip fill to apply to the object using the selected image as the object background.
CreateBlockLvlSdtApiBlockLvlSdtCreates a new block level container.
CreateChartApiChartCreates a chart with the parameters specified.
CreateGradientStopApiGradientStopCreates a gradient stop used for different types of gradients.
CreateGroupApiGroupGroups an array of drawings.
CreateHyperlinkApiHyperlinkCreates a new hyperlink text block to be inserted to the current paragraph or table.
CreateImageApiImageCreates an image with the parameters specified.
CreateInlineLvlSdtApiInlineLvlSdtCreates a new inline container.
CreateLinearGradientFillApiFillCreates a linear gradient fill to apply to the object using the selected linear gradient as the object background.
CreateNoFillApiFillCreates no fill and removes the fill from the element.
CreateOleObjectApiOleObjectCreates an OLE object with the parameters specified.
CreateParagraphApiParagraphCreates a new paragraph.
CreatePatternFillApiFillCreates a pattern fill to apply to the object using the selected pattern as the object background.
CreatePresetColorApiPresetColorCreates a color selecting it from one of the available color presets.
CreateRGBColorApiRGBColorCreates an RGB color setting the appropriate values for the red, green and blue color components.
CreateRadialGradientFillApiFillCreates a radial gradient fill to apply to the object using the selected radial gradient as the object background.
CreateRangeApiRange | nullCreates an element range.\ If you do not specify the start and end positions, the range will be taken from the entire element.
CreateRunApiRunCreates a new smaller text block to be inserted to the current paragraph or table.
CreateSchemeColorApiSchemeColorCreates a complex color scheme selecting from one of the available schemes.
CreateShapeApiShapeCreates a shape with the parameters specified.
CreateSolidFillApiFillCreates a solid fill to apply to the object using a selected solid color as the object background.
CreateStrokeApiStrokeCreates a stroke adding shadows to the element.
CreateTableApiTableCreates a new table with a specified number of rows and columns.
CreateTextPrApiTextPrCreates the empty text properties.
CreateWordArtApiDrawingCreates a Text Art object with the parameters specified.
FromJSONNoneConverts the specified JSON object into the Document Builder object of the corresponding type.
GetDocumentApiDocumentReturns the main document.
GetFullNamestringReturns the full name of the currently opened file.
GetMailMergeReceptionsCountnumberReturns the mail merge receptions count.
GetMailMergeTemplateDocContentApiDocumentContentReturns the mail merge template document.
LoadMailMergeDatabooleanLoads data for the mail merge.
MailMergebooleanStarts the mail merge process.
ReplaceDocumentContentNoneReplaces the main document content with another document content.
ReplaceTextSmartNoneReplaces each paragraph (or text in cell) in the select with the corresponding text from an array of strings.
SaveNoneSaves changes to the specified document.
attachEventNoneSubscribes to the specified event and calls the callback function when the event fires.
detachEventNoneUnsubscribes from the specified event.