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For the integration of ONLYOFFICE Document Builder into any application, the .Net doctrenderer library is used.


The current application version contains four main classes:

CDocBuilderUsed by ONLYOFFICE Document Builder for the document file (text document, spreadsheet, presentation, form document, PDF) to be generated.
CDocBuilderContextUsed by ONLYOFFICE Document Builder for getting JS context for working.
CDocBuilderContextScopeThe stack-allocated class which sets the execution context for all operations executed within a local scope.
CDocBuilderValueUsed by ONLYOFFICE Document Builder for getting the results of called JS commands. It represents a wrapper for a JS object.


using docbuilder_net;

using OfficeFileTypes = docbuilder_net.FileTypes;
using CValue = docbuilder_net.CDocBuilderValue;
using CContext = docbuilder_net.CDocBuilderContext;
using CContextScope = docbuilder_net.CDocBuilderContextScope;

namespace Test
public class Program
public static void Main(string[] args)
string workDirectory = "C:/Program Files/ONLYOFFICE/documentBuilder";
string resultPath = "result.docx";

// add the Docbuilder dlls to the path
System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH") + ";" + workDirectory);

Test(workDirectory, resultPath);

// uncomment these lines to check the finalizer calls
// GC.Collect();
// Console.ReadKey();
public static void Test(string workDirectory, string resultPath)
var doctype = (int)OfficeFileTypes.Document.DOCX;

CDocBuilder oBuilder = new CDocBuilder();
oBuilder.SetProperty("--work-directory", workDirectory);

CContext oContext = oBuilder.GetContext();
CContextScope oScope = oContext.CreateScope();

CValue oGlobal = oContext.GetGlobal();

CValue oApi = oGlobal["Api"];
CValue oDocument = oApi.Call("GetDocument");
CValue oParagraph = oApi.Call("CreateParagraph");
CValue oContent = oContext.CreateArray(1);

oParagraph.Call("SetSpacingAfter", 1000, false);
oParagraph.Call("AddText", "Hello from .net!");
oContent[0] = oParagraph;
oDocument.Call("InsertContent", oContent);

oBuilder.SaveFile(doctype, resultPath);
