Using command line arguments

If you need to pass some arguments to the created document using the command line, you can do that with Document Builder. To do that you will need to modify the code of your .docbuilder script file and include the arguments you need into the command running Document Builder.

This is the same as using the SetProperty method.

In this case the command will look like this:

docbuilder.exe "--argument={\"company\":\"ONLYOFFICE\",\"product\":\"ONLYOFFICE Document Builder\",\"compatibility\":\"100%\"}" "path-to-file\sample_with_arguments.docbuilder"

The sample code for the .docbuilder script file can be like this:


const sCompany = Argument["company"]
const sProduct = Argument["product"]
const sCompatibility = Argument["compatibility"]
const oDocument = Api.GetDocument()
const oParagraph = oDocument.GetElement(0)
oParagraph.AddText("This is an example of using command line arguments with ONLYOFFICE Document Builder.")
oParagraph.AddText(`Company name: ${sCompany}`)
oParagraph.AddText(`Product:  ${sProduct}`)
oParagraph.AddText(`Compatibility with OOXML standards: ${sCompatibility}`)
builder.SaveFile("docx", "ArgumentUse.docx")

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