Customize editors
Customizes the editor interface so that it looks like your other products (if there are any), and changes the presence or absence of the additional buttons, links, logos and editor owner details.
Before you start
Please make sure you are using a server environment to run the HTML file because the JavaScript SDK must be launched on the server. You need to add the URL of your server's root directory to the Developer Tools section of DocSpace.
Step 1. Set HTML structure
Create an HTML file. The HTML file must include a div tag where we specify the DocSpace connection parameters:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>DocSpace JavaScript SDK</title>
<script src="{PORTAL_SRC}/static/scripts/sdk/1.0.1/api.js"></script>
<div id="ds-frame"></div>
The API JavaScript file can normally be found in the following DocSpace folder: {PORTAL_SRC}/static/scripts/sdk/1.0.1/api.js where {PORTAL_SRC} is the name of the server with the ONLYOFFICE DocSpace installed.
Step 2. Initialize the editors
Add a script to initialize the editors.
- Add an event handler for onAppReady, which fires when initialization is successful:
function onAppReady() {
const frame = DocSpace.SDK.frames["ds-frame"]
- Create a configuration for the Editor mode. Go to the editorCustomization section and configure the editors as needed. After that, copy the resulting config and paste it into the customization section, as shown below. In the config, pass the id of the file that will be opened in the editors:
const config = {
editorCustomization: {
autosave: true,
comments: true,
compactHeader: true,
compactToolbar: false,
compatibleFeatures: false,
forcesave: false,
help: true,
hideRightMenu: false,
hideRulers: false,
integrationMode: "embed",
macros: true,
macrosMode: "Warn",
mentionShare: true,
mobileForceView: true,
plugins: true,
toolbarHideFileName: false,
toolbarNoTabs: false,
uiTheme: "theme-light",
unit: "cm",
zoom: 100,
events: {
height: "700px",
id: "361797",
- Initialize the Editors mode with the initEditor method:
const docSpace = DocSpace.SDK.initEditor(config)
Step 3. Run the sample
Run our HTML file and make sure everything works.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>DocSpace JavaScript SDK</title>
<script src="{PORTAL_SRC}/static/scripts/sdk/1.0.1/api.js"></script>
<div id="ds-frame"></div>
function onAppReady() {
const frame = DocSpace.SDK.frames["ds-frame"]
const config = {
editorCustomization: {
autosave: true,
comments: true,
compactHeader: true,
compactToolbar: false,
compatibleFeatures: false,
forcesave: false,
help: true,
hideRightMenu: false,
hideRulers: false,
integrationMode: "embed",
macros: true,
macrosMode: "Warn",
mentionShare: true,
mobileForceView: true,
plugins: true,
toolbarHideFileName: false,
toolbarNoTabs: false,
uiTheme: "theme-light",
unit: "cm",
zoom: 100,
events: {
height: "700px",
id: "361797",
var docSpace = DocSpace.SDK.initEditor(config);