The config.json file is plugin configuration file containing the information about the main plugin data needed to register the plugin in the editors.
Path to the plugin. All other paths are calculated relative to this path. If baseUrl == "", the path to the plugin in the default sdkjs-plugins folder will be used.
Type: string
Example: ""
Plugin group that is separated from other plugins in the Plugins tab. The first group usually includes the Plugin Manager and Background plugins, if they exist. Other plugins are placed after them in the second group. You can add as many groups as you need. If this parameter is omitted, the plugin will be added to the last group.
Type: object
"name": "group name",
"rank": 2
The group name.
Type: string
Example: "group name"
The group rank in the Plugins tab, an integer starting from 1.
Type: number
Example: 2
Plugin identifier. It must be of the asc.{UUID} type.
Type: string
Example: asc.{FFE1F462-1EA2-4391-990D-4CC84940B754}
Path to the plugin help page. If the parameter is specified, the help button is displayed in the plugin window. When the user clicks the button, he follows the link to the plugin help page.
Type: string
Example: "url_to_help_page"
The minimum editor version which supports the current plugin.
Type: string
Example: "6.3.0"
Plugin name which will be visible at the plugin toolbar.
Type: string
Example: "plugin name"
Translations for the name field. The object keys are the two letter language codes (ru, de, it, etc.) and the values are the plugin name translation for each language.
Type: localeTranslate
Example: { "fr": "french plugin name" }
The translations for the text field. The object keys are the two letter language codes (ru, de, it, etc.) and the values are the button label translation for each language.
Type: object
"variations": [
"name": "plugin name",
"nameLocale": {
"fr": "french plugin name",
"es": "spanish plugin name"
Plugin author who proposed the plugin for publication.
Type: string
Example: "John Smith"
Plugin variations, or subplugins, that are created inside the origin plugin. More information you can find here.
Type: array of objects
"buttons": [
"text": "Cancel",
"primary": false,
"isviewer": false,
"textLocale": {
"fr": "Annuler",
"es": "Cancelar"
"cryptoDisabledForExternalCloud": "true",
"cryptoDisabledForInternalCloud": "true",
"cryptoDisabledOnStart": "true",
"cryptoMode": "1",
"description": "plugin description",
"descriptionLocale": {
"fr": "french plugin description",
"es": "spanish plugin description"
"EditorsSupport": ["word", "cell", "slide", "pdf"],
"events": ["onClick"],
"icons": "url_to_icon",
"initData": "",
"initDataType": "ole",
"initOnSelectionChanged": true,
"isCustomWindow": true,
"isDisplayedInViewer": true,
"isUpdateOleOnResize": true,
"isViewer": true,
"size": [600, 700],
"store": {
"background": {
"light": "#F5F5F5",
"dark": "#444444"
"categories": ["specAbilities", "work"],
"icons": {
"light": "resources/store/icons",
"dark": "resources/store/icons"
"screenshots": ["resources/store/screenshots/screen_1.png"]
"type": "background",
"url": "index.html"
The list of skinnable plugin buttons used in the plugin interface. This parameter is used only for plugin windows and panels, i.e. when the type parameter is window, panel, or panelRight.
Type: array of Button
"text": "Cancel",
"primary": false,
"isviewer": false,
"textLocale": {
"fr": "Annuler",
"es": "Cancelar"
The skinnable plugin button used in the plugin interface (used for visual plugins with their own window only, i.e. isVisual == true
and isInsideMode == false
Type: object
Name | Type | Description |
text | string | The label which is displayed on the button. |
primary | boolean | Defines if the button is primary or not. The primary flag affects the button skin only. |
isViewer | boolean | Defines if the button is shown in the viewer mode only or not. |
textLocale | localeTranslate | Translations for the text field. The object keys are the two letter language codes (ru, de, it, etc.) and the values are the button label translation for each language. |
"variations": [
"buttons": [
"text": "Cancel",
"primary": false,
"isviewer": false,
"textLocale": {
"fr": "Annuler",
"es": "Cancelar"
Specifies whether the encryption for the third-party clouds is disabled.
Type: string
Example: "true"
Specifies whether the encryption for the local files is disabled.
Type: string
Example: "true"
Specifies whether the encryption is disabled upon startup.
Type: string
Example: "true"
The encryption mode. The available values:
- 0 - none (encryption is disabled);
- 1 - simple;
- 2 - advanced.
Type: string
Example: "1"
The description, i.e. what describes your plugin the best way. It will be displayed in the ONLYOFFICE Plugin Marketplace.
Type: string
Example: "plugin description"
Translations for the description field. The object keys are the two letter language codes (fr, de, it, etc.) and the values are the plugin description translation for each language.
Type: localeTranslate
Example: { "fr": "french plugin description" }
The editors which the plugin is available for (word, cell, slide, or pdf).
Type: array of editorType
Example: ["word"]
The editors which the plugin is available for:
- text document editor,cell
- spreadsheet editor,slide
- presentation editor,pdf
- pdf editor.
Type: enumeration
"variations": [
"EditorsSupport": ["word", "cell", "slide"],
Plugin events which are used in the current plugin code. Find out how to subscribe to events here.
Type: array of EventType
Example: ["onClick"]
Plugin event ("onDocumentContentReady", "onTargetPositionChanged", onClick", "onInputHelperClear", "onInputHelperInput", etc.).
Type: string
"variations": [
"events": ["onClick"],
URL to the plugin icon image file. This URL allows setting your own rules for theme (name, type), styles (normal, hover, active), and scaling. More information can be found here.
Type: string
Example: "url_to_icon"
Deprecated. Scalable icons for plugin extensions. More information can be found here.
Type: array of objects
Example: [ { "100%": { "normal": "icon.png" } } ]
The data which is sent from the editor to the plugin at the plugin start. This parameter is usually equal to "". If initDataType == "text", the plugin will receive the selected text upon launch. It may also be equal to encryption in the encryption plugins.
Type: string
Example: "text"
The data type selected in the editor and sent to the plugin (text, html, ole, desktop, desktop-external, sign, or none).
Type: initDataType
Example: "ole"
The data type selected in the editor and sent to the plugin:
- the text data,html
- HTML formatted code,ole
- OLE object data,desktop
- the desktop editor data,destop-external
- the main page data of the desktop app (system messages),none
- no data will be send to the plugin from the editor,sign
- the sign for the keychain plugin.
Type: enumeration
"variations": [
"initDataType": "ole",
Specifies if the plugin watches the text selection events in the editor window. This parameter is set to true when the plugin works with the selected text and its output changes when the selection changes. For example, the Translator plugin displays the translation of the selected text.
Type: boolean
Example: true
Specifies if the plugin uses a custom window, without standard borders and buttons (used only when type == "window").
Type: boolean
Example: true
Specifies if the plugin will be displayed in the viewer mode as well as in the editor mode (isDisplayedInViewer == true) or in the editor mode only (isDisplayedInViewer == false).
Type: boolean
Example: true
Deprecated. Please use the type parameter instead. Specifies if the plugin must be displayed inside the editor panel instead of its own window.
Type: boolean
Example: true
Deprecated. Please use the type parameter instead. Specifies if the opened plugin window is modal (used for visual plugins only, and if isInsideMode is not true).
Type: boolean
Example: true
Deprecated. Please use the type parameter instead. Specifies if the plugin is not displayed in the editor interface and is started in the background with the server (or desktop editors start) not interfering with other plugins, so that they can work simultaneously. Such a plugin cannot be disabled in the editor window.
Type: boolean
Example: false
Specifies if an OLE object must be redrawn when resized in the editor using the vector object drawing type or not (used for OLE objects only, i.e. initDataType == "ole").
Type: boolean
Example: true
Specifies if the plugin is working when the document is available in the viewer mode only or not. The default value is false.
Type: boolean
Example: false
Deprecated. Please use the type parameter instead. Specifies if the plugin is visual (will open a window for some action, or introduce some additions to the editor panel interface) or non-visual (will provide a button (or buttons) which is going to apply some transformations or manipulations to the document).
Type: boolean
Example: true
Deprecated. Please use the type parameter instead. Specifies where the plugin will be placed (on the right or left panel).
Type: string
Example: "right"
Deprecated. Please use the parameter instead. Plugin screenshot image files used in the ONLYOFFICE Plugin Marketplace for the plugin description.
Type: array of strings
Example: ["resources/store/screenshots/screen\_1.png"]
Plugin window size measured in pixels. This parameter is only used when type == "window".
Type: array of numbers
Example: [600]
Plugin display options in ONLYOFFICE Plugin Marketplace.
Type: object
"background": {
"light": "#F5F5F5",
"dark": "#444444"
"categories": ["specAbilities", "work"],
"icons": {
"light": "resources/store/icons",
"dark": "resources/store/icons"
"screenshots": ["resources/store/screenshots/screen_1.png"]
Background colors used for plugin icons in ONLYOFFICE Plugin Marketplace.
Type: object
"light": "#F5F5F5",
"dark": "#444444"
The background color used for the light theme plugin icon.
Type: string
Example: "#F5F5F5"
The background color used for the dark theme plugin icon.
Type: string
Example: "#444444"
Plugin categories in ONLYOFFICE Plugin Marketplace:
- "all" - All,
- "recommended" - Recommended,
- "devTools" - Developer tools,
- "work" - Work,
- "entertainment" - Entertainment,
- "communication" - Communication,
- "specAbilities" - Special abilities.
Type: array of strings
Example: ["specAbilities", "work"]
Paths to the plugin icon image files used in the ONLYOFFICE Plugin Marketplace.
Type: object
"light": "resources/store/icons",
"dark": "resources/store/icons"
The path to the scalable plugin icons for the light theme. Name the icon files of different scales in the following way:
- 100% -
- 125% -
- 150% -
- 175% -
- 200% -
Type: string
Example: "resources/store/icons"
The path to the scalable plugin icons for the dark theme. Name the icon files of different scales in the following way:
- 100% -
- 125% -
- 150% -
- 175% -
- 200% -
Type: string
Example: "resources/store/icons"
Images that are used for the plugin description in the ONLYOFFICE Plugin Marketplace.
Type: array of strings
Example: ["resources/store/screenshots/screen\_1.png"]
Plugin type. The following values are available:
- "system". The system plugin is not displayed in the editor interface and is started in the background with the server (or desktop editors start) not interfering with other plugins, so that they can work simultaneously. Such a plugin cannot be disabled in the editor window.
- "background". The background plugin runs continuously once started. Its state (enabled / disabled) persists between sessions. To access background plugins, click the Background Plugins button on the top toolbar.
- "window". A plugin that operates as a standalone window upon launch.
- "panel". A plugin that opens in the left-side panel.
- "panelRight". A plugin that opens in the right-side panel.
- "unvisible". A plugin that is invisible upon launch.
Please note that a plugin of any type can create windows and tabs during its work.
Type: string
Example: "background"
Plugin entry point, i.e. an HTML file which connects the plugin.js file (the base file needed for work with plugins) and launches the plugin code. See the index.html section for the detailed information.
Type: string
Example: "index.html"
The plugin version.
Type: string
Example: "1.0"
"baseUrl": "",
"group": {
"name": "group name",
"rank": 2
"guid": "asc.{FFE1F462-1EA2-4391-990D-4CC84940B754}",
"help": "url_to_help_page",
"minVersion": "6.3.0",
"name": "plugin name",
"nameLocale": {
"fr": "french plugin name",
"es": "spanish plugin name"
"offered": "John Smith",
"variations": [
"buttons": [
"text": "Cancel",
"primary": false,
"isviewer": false,
"textLocale": {
"fr": "Annuler",
"es": "Cancelar"
"cryptoDisabledForExternalCloud": "true",
"cryptoDisabledForInternalCloud": "true",
"cryptoDisabledOnStart": "true",
"cryptoMode": "1",
"description": "plugin description",
"descriptionLocale": {
"fr": "french plugin description",
"es": "spanish plugin description"
"EditorsSupport": ["word", "cell", "slide", "pdf"],
"events": ["onClick"],
"icons": "url_to_icon",
"initData": "",
"initDataType": "ole",
"initOnSelectionChanged": true,
"isCustomWindow": true,
"isDisplayedInViewer": true,
"isUpdateOleOnResize": true,
"isViewer": true,
"size": [600, 700],
"store": {
"background": {
"light": "#F5F5F5",
"dark": "#444444"
"categories": ["specAbilities", "work"],
"icons": {
"light": "resources/store/icons",
"dark": "resources/store/icons"
"screenshots": ["resources/store/screenshots/screen_1.png"]
"type": "background",
"url": "index.html"
"version": "1.0"