
Find company logos

Searches for a company logo throughout the spreadsheet using the Logo API offered by API Ninjas.

To use this macro, you need to obtain your own API key from API Ninjas.

(function() {
// Get the active worksheet
var oWorksheet = Api.GetActiveSheet();
// Get the currently selected range of cells
var selectedRange = Api.GetSelection();
// Define a mapping of values to insert into specific columns
var valuesToInsert = {
"name": "B",
"ticker": "C",
"image": "D"
// Loop through the values to insert and populate empty cells
for (var value in valuesToInsert) {
var oCell = oWorksheet.GetRange(valuesToInsert[value] + "1");
if (!oCell.GetValue()) oCell.SetValue(value);
// Iterate through each cell in the selected range
selectedRange.ForEach(function (cell) {
var value = cell.GetValue();
if (value) {
// Make an AJAX request to an API to retrieve data based on the cell value
method: 'GET',
url: 'https://api.api-ninjas.com/v1/logo?name=' + value,
headers: { 'X-Api-Key': 'yourAPIkey' },
contentType: 'application/json',
success: function(result) {
// Iterate through the API response and populate data into specific columns
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
var data = result[i];
var currentRow = cell.GetRow() + i - 1;
// Populate data into specific columns and adjust column width
oWorksheet.GetRangeByNumber(currentRow, 1).SetValue(data.name);
oWorksheet.GetRangeByNumber(currentRow, 1).AutoFit(false, true);
oWorksheet.GetRangeByNumber(currentRow, 2).SetValue(data.ticker);
oWorksheet.GetRangeByNumber(currentRow, 2).AutoFit(false, true);
oWorksheet.GetRangeByNumber(currentRow, 3).SetValue(data.image);
oWorksheet.GetRangeByNumber(currentRow, 3).AutoFit(false, true);
error: function ajaxError(jqXHR) {
console.error('Error: ', jqXHR.responseText);

Methods used: GetActiveSheet, GetSelection, GetRange, GetValue, ForEach, AutoFit, SetValue, GetRow, GetRangeByNumber


Find Company LogosFind Company Logos