Currency conversion
Converts a base currency into multiple desired target currencies. It can also fetch historical currency values for a specific date. Uses the Currency Conversion API from currencyapi.
To use this macro, you need to obtain your own API key from currencyapi.
(function () {
function buildHistoricalURL(apiKey, baseCurrency, date, currencies) {
const currencyParam = currencies.join("%2C");
return `${apiKey}¤cies=${currencyParam}&base_currency=${baseCurrency}&date=${date}`;
function buildLatestURL(apiKey, baseCurrency, currencies) {
const currencyParam = currencies.join("%2C");
return `${apiKey}¤cies=${currencyParam}&base_currency=${baseCurrency}`;
function reloadCellValues() {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 5000);
function fetchAndPopulateData(url, currencies, isHistorical) {
const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", url, true);
xhr.onload = function () {
if (this.status === 200) {
const apiData = JSON.parse(this.response);
const data =;
const sheet = Api.GetActiveSheet();
sheet.GetRange("A1").SetValue("Currency Code");
sheet.GetRange("A1").AutoFit(false, true);
.SetValue(isHistorical ? "Historical Rate" : "Exchange Rate");
sheet.GetRange("B1").AutoFit(false, true);
currencies.forEach((currency, index) => {
if (data[currency]) {
const { code, value } = data[currency];
sheet.GetRange(`A${index + 2}`).SetValue(code);
sheet.GetRange(`B${index + 2}`).SetValue(value);
} else {
console.warn(`Currency ${currency} not found in the response.`);
} else {
console.error(`Error fetching data: ${this.statusText}`);
xhr.onerror = function () {
"There was some error in your request. Check and try again."
const baseCurrency = "GBP";
const currencies = ["CAD", "EUR", "USD", "AUD", "SGD"];
const apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY";
// Fetch and populate the latest exchange rates
const latestURL = buildLatestURL(apiKey, baseCurrency, currencies);
fetchAndPopulateData(latestURL, currencies, false);
/* Comment out the upper block and uncomment the following block to enable fetching historical exchange rates */
// const date = "2025-01-01";
// const historicalURL = buildHistoricalURL(apiKey, baseCurrency, date, currencies);
// fetchAndPopulateData(historicalURL, currencies, true);
Methods used: asc_calculate, GetActiveSheet, GetRange, SetValue, AutoFit