Working with review changes
Manages review process from an external source.
How it works
When the user clicks the Accept / Reject buttons in the custom interface, the AcceptReviewChanges / RejectReviewChanges methods are executed to accept / reject the selected change in the editor:
$("#accept").on("click", () => {
$("#reject").on("click", () => {
}) -
When the user clicks the arrow buttons in the custom interface, the MoveToNextReviewChange method is executed to move between the next and previous review changes:
$("#prev").on("click", () => {
connector.executeMethod("MoveToNextReviewChange", [false])
$("#next").on("click", () => {
Please note that the connector is available only for ONLYOFFICE Developer Edition.
The connector is an additional feature not included by default in the ONLYOFFICE Developer Edition and is available at an extra cost. Please contact our sales team at to request a quote.