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Name Resource Description
Add a domain to the mail server POST api/2.0/mailserver/domains/add Adds a web domain to the current tenant.
Check the domain name existence GET api/2.0/mailserver/domains/exists Checks if a web domain name specified in the request already exists or not.
Check the domain ownership GET api/2.0/mailserver/domains/ownership/check Checks if a web domain specified in the request belongs to the current user or not.
Get common web domain GET api/2.0/mailserver/domains/common Returns the common web domain.
Get DNS records by domain ID GET api/2.0/mailserver/domains/dns/get Returns DNS records related to the domain with the ID specified in the request.
Get web domains GET api/2.0/mailserver/domains/get Returns a list of all the web domains associated with the current tenant.
Remove a domain from the mail server DELETE api/2.0/mailserver/domains/remove/{id} Deletes a web domain with the ID specified in the request from the mail server.