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Groups API.

Name Resource Description
Add a new group POST api/2.0/group Adds a new group with the group manager, name, and members specified in the request.
Add group members PUT api/2.0/group/{groupid}/members Adds new group members to the group with the ID specified in the request.
Delete a group DELETE api/2.0/group/{groupid} Deletes a group with the ID specified in the request from the list of groups on the portal.
Get a group GET api/2.0/group/{groupid} Returns the detailed information about the selected group: group name, category, description, manager, members, and parent group if it exists.
Get groups GET api/2.0/group Returns the general information about all the groups, such as group ID and group manager.
Get groups by a group name GET api/2.0/group/search Returns a list of all the groups by the group name specified in the request.
Get user groups GET api/2.0/group/user/{userid} Returns a list of groups for the user with the ID specified in the request.
Move group members PUT api/2.0/group/{groupid}/members/{newgroupid} Moves all the members from the selected group to another one specified in the request.
Remove group members DELETE api/2.0/group/{groupid}/members Removes the group members specified in the request from the selected group.
Replace group members POST api/2.0/group/{groupid}/members Replaces the group members with those specified in the request.
Set a group manager PUT api/2.0/group/{groupid}/manager Sets a user with the ID specified in the request as a group manager.
Update a group PUT api/2.0/group/{groupid} Updates the existing group changing the group manager, name, and/or members.