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Name Resource Description
Add a contact opportunity POST api/2.0/crm/contact/{contactid}/opportunity/{opportunityid} Adds the selected opportunity to the contact with the ID specified in the request.
Add a person to the company POST api/2.0/crm/contact/company/{companyid}/person Adds the selected person to the company with the ID specified in the request.
Add contact address information POST api/2.0/crm/contact/{contactid}/addressdata Adds the address information to the contact with the ID specified in the request.
Add contact information POST api/2.0/crm/contact/{contactid}/data Adds the information with the parameters specified in the request to the contact with the selected ID.
Change a contact photo PUT api/2.0/crm/contact/{contactid}/changephoto Changes a photo for the contact with the ID specified in the request.
Change a contact photo by URL PUT api/2.0/crm/contact/{contactid}/changephotobyurl Changes a photo using its URL for the contact with the ID specified in the request.
Create a company POST api/2.0/crm/contact/company Creates a company with the parameters specified in the request.
Create a contact status POST api/2.0/crm/contact/status Creates a new contact status with the parameters (title, description, etc.) specified in the request.
Create a contact type POST api/2.0/crm/contact/type Creates a new contact type with the parameters specified in the request.
Create a person POST api/2.0/crm/contact/person Creates a person with the parameters (first name, last name, description, etc.) specified in the request.
Create companies POST api/2.0/crm/contact/company/quick Creates a list of companies with the names specified in the request.
Create persons POST api/2.0/crm/contact/person/quick Creates a list of persons with the first and last names specified in the request.
Delete a contact DELETE api/2.0/crm/contact/{contactid} Deletes a contact with the ID specified in the request from the portal.
Delete a contact avatar DELETE api/2.0/crm/contact/{contactid}/avatar Deletes an avatar of the contact with the ID specified in the request.
Delete a contact opportunity DELETE api/2.0/crm/contact/{contactid}/opportunity/{opportunityid} Deletes the selected opportunity from the contact with the ID specified in the request.
Delete a contact status DELETE api/2.0/crm/contact/status/{contactStatusid} Deletes a contact status with the ID specified in the request.
Delete a contact type DELETE api/2.0/crm/contact/type/{contactTypeid} Deletes a contact type with the ID specified in the request.
Delete a person from the company DELETE api/2.0/crm/contact/company/{companyid}/person Deletes the selected person from the company with the ID specified in the request.
Delete contact information DELETE api/2.0/crm/contact/{contactid}/data/{id} Deletes the selected information from the contact with the ID specified in the request.
Delete contacts by IDs PUT api/2.0/crm/contact Deletes a group of contacts with the IDs specified in the request.
Delete contacts by parameters DELETE api/2.0/crm/contact/filter Deletes a list of all the contacts in the CRM module matching the parameters specified in the request.
Get a contact by ID GET api/2.0/crm/contact/{contactid} Returns the detailed information about a contact with the ID specified in the request.
Get a contact status GET api/2.0/crm/contact/status/{contactStatusid} Returns a contact status with the ID specified in the request.
Get a contact type GET api/2.0/crm/contact/type/{contactTypeid} Returns a contact type with the ID specified in the request.
Get company persons GET api/2.0/crm/contact/company/{companyid}/person Returns a list of all the persons linked to the company with the ID specified in the request.
Get contact access rights GET api/2.0/crm/contact/{contactid}/access Returns access rights of the contact with the ID specified in the request.
Get contact categories by information type GET api/2.0/crm/contact/data/{infoType}/category Returns a list of all the available contact categories of the specified information type.
Get contact information GET api/2.0/crm/contact/{contactid}/data Returns the detailed information on the contact with the ID specified in the request.
Get contact information by ID GET api/2.0/crm/contact/{contactid}/data/{id} Returns the detailed contact information with the ID specified in the request.
Get contact information by its type GET api/2.0/crm/contact/{contactid}/data/{infoType} Returns the detailed contact information by the information type specified in the request.
Get contact information types GET api/2.0/crm/contact/data/infoType Returns a list of all the available contact information types.
Get contact statuses GET api/2.0/crm/contact/status Returns a list of all the contact statuses available on the portal.
Get contact types GET api/2.0/crm/contact/type Returns a list of all the contact types available on the portal.
Get contacts by contact information GET api/2.0/crm/contact/bycontactinfo Returns a list of contacts from the CRM module with the contact information specified in the request.
Get contacts by project ID GET api/2.0/crm/contact/project/{projectid} Returns contacts for the project with the ID specified in the request.
Get filtered contacts GET api/2.0/crm/contact/filter Returns a list of all the contacts in the CRM module matching the parameters specified in the request.
Link a contact to the project POST api/2.0/crm/contact/{contactid}/project/{projectid} Links the selected contact to the project with the ID specified in the request.
Link contacts to the project POST api/2.0/crm/contact/project/{projectid} Links the selected contacts to the project with the ID specified in the request.
Merge contacts PUT api/2.0/crm/contact/merge Merges two contacts specified in the request.
Remove a contact from the project DELETE api/2.0/crm/contact/{contactid}/project/{projectid} Removes a link to the selected project from the contact with the ID specified in the request.
Set access rights to the contacts by IDs PUT api/2.0/crm/contact/access Sets access rights to the list of contacts with the IDs specified in the request.
Set access rights to the contacts by parameters PUT api/2.0/crm/contact/filter/access Sets access rights to the list of contacts with the parameters specified in the request.
Set contact access rights PUT api/2.0/crm/contact/{contactid}/access Sets access rights to the contact with the ID specified in the request.
Set the tenant settings PUT api/2.0/crm/settings Sets the tenant settings specified in the request to the portal.
Update a company PUT api/2.0/crm/contact/company/{companyid} Updates the selected company with the parameters specified in the request.
Update a company status PUT api/2.0/crm/contact/company/{companyid}/status Updates a status of the selected company and all its participants.
Update a contact status PUT api/2.0/crm/contact/status/{id} Updates the selected contact status with the parameters (title, description, etc.) specified in the request.
Update a contact status by ID PUT api/2.0/crm/contact/{contactid}/status Updates a status of the contact with the ID specified in the request.
Update a contact status color PUT api/2.0/crm/contact/status/{id}/color Updates a color of the selected contact status with a new color specified in the request.
Update a contact type PUT api/2.0/crm/contact/type/{id} Updates the selected contact type with the parameters specified in the request.
Update a person PUT api/2.0/crm/contact/person/{personid} Updates the selected person with the parameters (first name, last name, description, etc.) specified in the request.
Update a person and his company status PUT api/2.0/crm/contact/person/{personid}/status Updates a status of the selected person, related company and all its participants.
Update contact address information PUT api/2.0/crm/contact/{contactid}/addressdata/{id} Updates the contact address information with the parameter specified in the request.
Update contact information PUT api/2.0/crm/contact/{contactid}/data/{id} Updates the contact information with the parameters specified in the request.
Update the contact status setting PUT api/2.0/crm/contact/status/settings Updates the contact status setting with the parameter specified in the request.
Update the order of contact statuses PUT api/2.0/crm/contact/status/reorder Updates the order of the contact statuses with a list specified in the request.
Update the order of contact types PUT api/2.0/crm/contact/type/reorder Updates the order of the contact types with a list specified in the request.
Update the setting for adding tags to the contact PUT api/2.0/crm/contact/tag/settings Updates the setting for adding tags to the contact with the parameter specified in the request.
Update the setting for writing mails to the history PUT api/2.0/crm/contact/mailtohistory/settings Updates the setting for writing mails to the history with the parameter specified in the request.
Update the web form key PUT api/2.0/crm/settings/webformkey/change Updates the website contact form key.